According to the general consensus this is their favorite Crash game and I'll be honest, I can see it! Crash 2 is a massive improvement over the original and I enjoyed my time with it. The levels were challenging and fun to go through and being this was the original PS1 version there was so much charm in the art direction and graphical variety of locations you visit this time. I mean look I actually got 100% on this game which I didn't even bother for Crash 1 mostly due to the fact that this game fixed the main issue of not having to replay every level without dying. It made for a much more fair and fun experience in my opinion and it made getting everything actually manageable which is why I did it.
Crash 2 is a must play, it does everything the previous game did but better and that alone is worth checking out.

I mean, what can be said that already hasn't, Majora's Mask is a game that feels like it should've been a colossal failure given its completely rushed development but somehow throughout the crunch came a game like nothing we've ever experienced before. About the hardships that people face throughout their life and how in 3 days everyone will soon die. It's a game I think about a lot because it taught me that my time is precious, that I should be doing the things I enjoy with the people I love because I'll never know when the time will comes for me to kick the bucket.

This one game covers so many darker themes not seen in a Zelda game and it's mainly the reason I still consider it to be one of my favorites due to how much you learn more about the world the more you play. There's so many optional scenes you can outright miss and they do a good job in servicing the world and how these people live their day to day lives. And I think the thing that messes me up is that everyone is suffering in the world, but you can never save everyone, because once you play the song of time your progress may be saved but everyone's lives get reset. Reliving the past over and over again without ever becoming aware.

This game is special, even through its cracks it manages to create a narrative not seen in any other game. If you were to treat this like a normal Zelda game you would be missing out on so much there is to offer, it's why i'm of the belief this is a game that you MUST go for 100% in order to truly understand what makes this game click with so many people

Easily and without question the definitive way to play the original Crash Bandicoot, N-sane's version offers a lot to the original core game to make it up to stuff with the later titles. The control has taken a huge improvement and more importantly you can now die in most stages and STILL get the box gem. In the original you had to basically playthrough everything in one go and even still some levels had colored gems so lets say you thought you got every box in one level without dying, well too bad because that level required a colored gem and now you just wasted your time and effort. It was punishing to the point of not being fun, I played through the original recently and its wild how much of a difference this does for the game. Crash 1 on N-sane Trilogy is the only version of Crash 1 you should ever play. It's fun, very challenging, and tests you on your platforming skills.
Solid recommendation from me.

In honor of the announcment of Astro Bot a sequel to this game I thought it'd be a good idea to revisit it, and I gotta say it still great. I guess you can technically say this is a $500 game, but jokes aside I think Astros Playroom offers a lot of promise as a 3D platformer, it's so polished and it being a love letter to all sony fans it's really amazing how this is just a tech demo of the ps5's core features. Astro is a cute mascot which I think is fitting for a 3D platformer game and overall this game oozes with style and charm. I think where it kind of falters a bit is when the game uses its gimmicks for the controller. Some are definitely fun but others I could do without, still cool but its mainly why i'm giving this game a 4 instead of a 5. It's not perfect but if you're one of the few who has a ps5, I'd recommend giving this a shot. I mean its free!

Playing through this game is a stark reminder of how we failed as a species.

So before anyone asks, no there is no post-game unfortunately. You get two super bosses but that's about it. I'm not upset about it though, there's not much you can fix in an already perfect game. But I'm just gonna ramble a bit about my thoughts after beating TTYD Remake.

It's... still, unreal to me, this even happened. That we're actually in a timeline where something like this exists and that everyone can experience it. I cannot stress enough how long i've waited for something like this to happen. I've wanted this ever since SPM came out. When SPM came out I immediately dismissed it because it was different, but different doesn't mean bad, and later I would revisit it and my thoughts would later change. Its a good game, while it changed a lot, it has the heart of what makes a paper mario game. Something we wouldn't see once the series went horribly downhill after SPMs release. Sticker Star, Color Splash, Origami King, these games fall under the neo paper mario trilogy, and they're as every bit of a disappointment as you could possibly get. Some definitely have their strengths but its mostly weaknesses as Paper Mario started to have an identity crisis. It lost the very identity it once shaped with itself, as Mario's Story. But now its the year 2024, times have changed, and Nintendo finally realizes that the original trilogy is what the people have been longing for since forever. And as an enhanced version and remake of the original thousand year door, I couldn't be more happier with this. This game brings me so much joy its indescribable how I feel playing something like this.

It pleases me too that there are people who never played this game finally have the chance to do so and understand why its so beloved to every og paper mario fan. With all the little changes made to the original game, this is truly the definitive way to play Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door, while playing I could just feel the love and passion the devs had for remaking this game, all the scenes that were added and given more depth and emotion. It all hit, and I could feel every single one of them. The people who made this remake, intelligent systems, they cared. They really did. They sought out to remake one of their most beloved titles and made sure to go back and actually fix and improve upon things the original may have lacked or had severe flaws in. While still managing to be as faithful as possible to the original source material. They really understood the assignment, and it makes me so happy when a team of developers actually care about the thing they're making.

This is worth every dollar its asking. This is worth even more than that i'd argue, for a full priced Remake of a Gamecube jrpg that can last you hours, its well worth it. This should be the golden standard for remakes going forward. Super Mario RPG and Paper Mario: TTYD are perfect examples of what companies should do when remaking their games on modern hardware. It's just hard to accept anything less after something as good as these were put out there for the world to see. I can only hope that in the future we get a return to form building off of what TTYD did for the series. And that eventually games like the original Paper Mario and Super Paper Mario get remade with just as much love as this Remake got.

Alright that's all I gotta say
This game gets a perfect 5/5 from me

I started for Gackt, and stayed for Gackt. This game is unapologetically funny and I think that's worth it alone to check it out, it's not the most in-depth action game but it certainly is a game that is on the Playstation 2 in the year 2003. In my honest opinion if you ever do play this game get 25 in-game coin collectibles because when you get that many you unlock the Gackt costume and it's the best thing ever.

Yeah Idk what you guys saw in this that I couldn't, but I've played many 3D platformers in my time and none were as mixed as Corn Kidz 64, but i'm getting ahead of myself here. Let me explain my entire experience with this game.

To start off, that damn wall jump and wall climb can go fuck itself. That is the most unintuitive unresponsive inconsistent move this goat has. Every time you think you're against the wall, it looks like you weren't lol oh well fall back down 3 floors and try again. I've tried so many times to learn what I did wrong and every time its something different. The fall damage, why in the ever living christ did you think it was a good idea to give this type of precise platforming game fall damage. That's like giving the getting over it dude fall damage. it works with Mario and Banjo because those games don't require you to do pin point precision platforming. This is a different case, and I swear every time you fall in this game there is nothing more infuriating than just being teleported to your save and having to sit through that death animation and pointless game over screen over and over again. When death has no consequence in this game I wonder why there's even a game over screen to begin with. Just play the death animation and teleport me back to the start. It's that easy.

The platforming is difficult. I'm ok with challenging platforming, if your protagonist controls well and isn't fighting me half of the time. I think this game asks too much of the player that progression goes from 0 to 100 really fast. Combined with very poor level gimmicks like those stupid owls that you have to hit into place all the time because their dumbass can't stay in one position. It becomes frustrating so fast. The humor misses the mark a lot and while there maybe a good one or two jokes here it's not enough to make me care about what's happening on screen. I mainly stuck around for as long as I did for the platforming aspect. The platforming can be fun, when you're swinging together move after move seamlessly and you're in a platforming flow state I think that's where this game shines, but whenever I have fun i'm reminded of how annoying it is for the level design to send you back like 3 floors after falling. This game shines the most with its visuals and atmosphere, it has the perfect hazy N64 vibe and I enjoy it a lot. It's definitely one of the two reasons I kept playing at least. The music itself is also just ok, some are fine but there are tracks in here that I don't really find myself caring about all too much.

There's definitely a good foundation for a full game here but what i'm playing feels like a tech demo at most, for 7-8$ you get what you paid for but i've played cheaper games that are more fun than this. Check this one out at your own cost, I didn't like it, but I know a lot of people did.

So at the risk of me not coming off as pretentious, I think this game is actually pretty decent, not amazing, but decent. Crashes stiff control makes for some tense platforming but my biggest issue is that this games 100% completion is so fucking backwards. You basically have to go through every level and break every box without dying a single time and that's the kind of stress I don't need in my life, I think the N sane trilogy version of this game is way more manageable given that they made it more fair to accomplish. While I didn't entirely hate my time playing this game, it was definitely something I know I probably won't go back to. An interesting first entry in the series, but that's how it goes with these multi-media franchises.

For the longest time, i've never 100% this game until today. But after doing so it reminded me of how much I really love this game, and no matter how jank it is, the game has heart and I can never devalue that. Sure there are some parts where its kinda weak but the overall experience is solid. For Sonics first outing in 3D, this was a slam dunk.

First off, can I just say how much I LOVE THE LOOK OF THIS GAME?? THIS IS SUCH A COOL LOOKING GAME THAT I'VE NOT SEEN DONE IN A LONG ASS TIME. If you weren't already charmed by this games visuals you'll be happy to hear that it doesn't slack on anything else either, how the fuck is a game that looks better than most Triple A titles on the market only 30 DOLLARS?? But i'm getting ahead of myself here, Hi-Fi Rush is a unique game because instead of following the conventional action game mechanics they decide to have a focus on rhythm based fighting. What does that mean? Well everything in this game is tweaked to sync with the in-game music, so when a beat happens you know exactly when an enemy will strike or move. All you have to do is get with the rhythm of it and plan accordingly, now this may seem like it'd be complicated but I assure you this game is very accessible when it comes to people who suck at rhythm games. So even if you're having trouble the game is not shy to throw you a bone, but once you get it, holy shit it's one of the most satisfying combat systems i've ever had the pleasure of playing with. This games levels aren't just combat though they also like to put a spin on it by having it be like a mini 3D platformer with puzzle elements and I appreciate that a lot. It's not just boss to boss as you'd think.

Main characters are extremely likeable, Chai and the others have some fun interactions between them, the story is pretty enjoyable and for a rhythm based game the music is rad as hell. It uses a lot of licensed music but you have the option to turn that off to listen to this games actual ost which i'd also recommend before you start. This game has endless loads of replayability because for starters its not a long game, so beating it will net you possibly the biggest post-game i've seen especially with the DLC add-ons in the newer versions of this game. I played on the PS5 and it was a perfect experience, no frame drops, everything ran well, and little to no bugs.

Yeah I mean if I haven't made it obvious, just buy this game, if you got a PS5 or an Xbox Series X you're doing yourself a disservice by not playing it, this used to be an Xbox exclusive but then they realized how peak this game is and they NEEDED to bring it to other consoles cause they were missing out on it. So happy it did finally come and I got to experience a new personal favorite game of all time. Will definitely be playing this one for weeks after I finished it.

This is what you're buying the Castlevania Advance Collection for, probably the most solid game in the series because can you believe after 2 attempts with Circle of the Moon and Harmony of Dissonance they would give us Aria of Sorrow. Everything about this game just hits and I think the soul mechanic is the best to date, the map is fun, there's tons of customization with Soma and his kits, and the replayability factor is huge because of it. It baffles me how good this game is after the previous 2 like seriously, they really cleaned up their act and locked in when making this one. It's so good it stands toe to toe with Symphony as the best Metroid Castlevania style game. If you were turned off by the previous two entries you gotta play this one, you'll be pleasantly surprised by its quality.

Well it's in every sense of the word a downgraded version of Rondo of Blood, cutscenes are removed, maria is no longer playable, alternate paths are gone, level select is gone, basically anything that made the original rondo so great is gone. What we have is a Richter who has a mid air control jump but also feels pretty stiff to control in general. Level design has seen a big hit in how they spam every level with those spear enemies and if you were to do a drinking game based on how many spear guys they plaster on the levels you'd probably die. The final dracula fight sucks, bottomless pits everywhere for the sake of making the boss challenging when in reality its just annoying.

Yeah this one just kinda sucks maybe don't play it.

This is the most perfectly safe Castlevania i've played, it doesn't do anything particularly good nor does it really do anything particularly bad. It's just ok. Juste is a great controlling protag and I think the main reason is because of the back AND the front dash, first protag to get it. And I don't know why more don't have it, its so good. Otherwise yeah this one wasn't too bad to play but it's also not really anything noteworthy that it's causing me to be redundant. You get the idea.

I knew from the moment I saw Alucard show up in this nothing game, starting to spout words to a character he never mentions ever again in the series, this game was definitely someone's fan-fiction. Like there's no other way to explain it, no offense to the character herself, I think its great that we have a female protagonist after all these sweaty buff guys, but she really fucked herself over by having a Gameboy game of all things, as we know already those games aren't the greatest, and neither is this one.