For all the jank this game has I still cannot deny the amount of charm and wit there is in its presentation. Right off the bat this game hits you with its stunning art direction and the reason why you keep going is to learn more about how this world works. Gameplay consists of beat-em up style rooms before entering the main boss fight, lather rinse repeat until you make it to the end. Upgrading and unlocking new skills to make each fight more easier and interesting to go through, to put it bluntly this game wants you to refight bosses. They want you to learn their rhythmic patterns and get better scores, if you're not about that, then you're looking at a very short runtime on your hands. There is worth in going back to the bosses because it nets you fans which can be used to spend on more skills and abilities to make things easier but that's the general gameplay loop here. The music is also great as there's many genre's and styles on display, but I mean if this is a game about music you need the actual music to be good so i'm glad they didn't mess that part up.
If you want a short but fun adventure with loveable characters and an interesting world I'd recommend picking this up, it's cheaper than most games but the amount of content in it will surely make it your moneys worth.

I've put this one off for so long, there were times where I would go back only to see if it could impress me but at the end of the day it made me realize that I really don't play Pokémon for anything else other than the actual Pokémon. The gameplay loop of it is something I'm just not fond of doing, I really only go here to see the Pokémon and character designs because if there's one thing this series does best its those two things. It's because of that I'm not a Pokémon guy at the slightest, but if you pull up my resume you'll only find a copy of Pokémon Pinball on the GBA so it's like you know I'm that OTHER type of fan. That being said, I beat this game hoping that it would get better the more I played but if anything it just didn't. The only part I can say that really got my attention and the part I think is worth your time is the final story unlocked after completing the three main ones in the adventure. Long story short, it's better than the other three stories combined.
Yeah I don't have much to say on this one, other than I want Rika Pokémon to do unspeakable things to me but that's not apart of the games quality and more so hot fictional women things.

You ever sit down on a chair and gaze into the sky wondering how any other game will ever compete with how supreme Pizza Towers quality is. I think to myself so many times that this game is so good, how can other games even compare? Pizza Tower is a Wario Land inspired game where you control Peppino Spaghetti as he dashes up the titled Pizza Tower to save his pizzeria from getting blasted by a comically large laser by a pizza with a face. From starting the game you're gonna realize that this may be the most smoothest controlling game of your entire life, the animations, the music, the charming title cards, will all sync in as one and you'll have the best time playing this game. I seriously cannot believe a game like this exists, something with no flaws and even if you were to name a flaw that would be considered as a nitpick. This game is not long but it also isn't short. I value replayability in the games I consume so the fact this game encourages you and wants you to keep playing so you can get those P ranks and Achievements is something that'll keep you coming back for seconds. Once you earn your first P-rank on a level then that rush of dopamine kicks in and you'll want to P-rank every single level, learning every in and out so that you can successfully master the route to earning that rank. It's no easy feat, but with how smooth this game controls and how amazing the level design fits to accommodate it you're not gonna want to stop. I've successfully 100% this game and I can tell you I had a blast the entire way through, currently at 52 hours on steam and I'm still going back and improving my best scores and routes. This game is addicting, if all of this sounds enticing to you I highly encourage you to play this.

Hey guys look its my greatest achievement Wario Land 4 on the Gameboy Advance. Having only played a little bit of Wario Land Shake It I heard from the general consensus that this was the best one in the franchise, so you know I had to check it out and see for myself. After beating it I have to say... yeah, it's pretty good. Definitely way more faster than Shake It on the Wii, and I think I prefer the art direction on this one. This game is just so... weird, like you play it and you see things you wouldn't normally see in Mario's world, and yeah, you wouldn't cause this is Wario's world baby. (Except it's not actually Wario's World that's a game on the Nintendo GameCube) Wario Land 4 is a treat, and after going through it you can see what inspirations and choices Pizza Tower would take from it. The whole run to the end of the level to initiate a timer and then run back to the level in a different way was taken directly from this game. Those moments are also just as fun as slowly exploring each level and finding treasures along the way, it's Wario, you need to find treasure or I'm sure he'll die from treasure deficiency. Even though we all know that Wario can't die simply because he chooses not to. Anyways I went off on a ramble there, it's definitely something you should check out if you loved pizza tower, and if you haven't played pizza tower give it a shot! You might like it.
Then after that play Pizza Tower.

In this dark and depressing world we live in full of nihilism and anger I feel like this game came at a great time. This game covers many ideologies and concepts about life that's normally not touched upon in other games but playing it will really get you to think after you're done. It's not as convolutedly deep as yoko taro game but that's what I like about it, unlike those games this game wears its theme on its chest and isn't afraid to hide or talk about mature themes. Make no mistake, this game may be rated T but it can easily pass by as an M rated one. The characters and the story are some of the strongest we've had in the Xeno series. Everything just works in sync to become the best it can be and it's practically no contest. Xeno1 started out a bit slow but picked up very quick, Xeno2 starts off extremely slow and doesn't pick up until like midway into the game, and that's where Xeno3 comes in and says "snuff all that" and starts off with a banger opening and continues it throughout its entire runtime until the very end. There may be less chapters than the previous games but make no mistake they're still as beefy. That's because this game doesn't like to drag with its story and is always introducing something to keep the plot going and make it interesting. Every cutscene feels like the best cutscene with how they're all directed. Really it's a solid package and worth it's price tag, if you're familiar with Xenoblade Chronicles you already know about this game and think its peak. For newcomers out there looking to start it's best to start with Xeno1 but since these are all self-contained stories where the number doesn't mean anything. These games are still linked though and it won't take away the magic and engagement you'll have when you experience Xenoblade Chronicles 3 for the first time. Absolutely masterful.

This ones rough, I wont lie I mainly went back to this game to see if it was any good because I've had memories of having an ok time but after fully beating it yeah this is one of the weakest games in all of the series. Right when you start you'll notice this game is probably one of the slowest platformers and I still don't know who thought it was a good idea to consistently add in AUTOSCROLLING levels to slow down the pacing even more. This was a complete drag to playthrough and while I understand I'm not the true demographic for what this game is, it doesn't excuse the boring and slow level design. The music and sprites were the only good thing about this game because that was the only thing keeping me awake as I slog through the most forgettable levels. The main vibe gimmick got stale quick and the whole game does do some interesting things with it but its very few and far in-between. Also shoutouts to the dev who forces you to go back and collect all the toads just to COMPLETE THE GAME. I'm a completionist so that means nothing to me but to the other people who just wanted to get by and have a good time you just cant with how you're forced to find the other toads to simply just beat the game.
Really bad time overall, wouldn't recommend it. Peach deserves better than this.

This was a very cozy time, nothing mindblowing, nothing outright amazing, just simple kirby fun. One thing you'll notice right off the bat is that this game is so colorful, the most colorful I'd say we'd seen the pink puff. But even still, colorful or not this was pleasant to experience in full. I had played this game multiple times in the past and didn't think much of it, but revisiting it now I can say I had fun.

This was an April Fools joke, the amount of actual love, attention to detail, effort that was placed into this is staggering. It has its own unique ost, and there's just so much here to unpack it's crazy. While it's only like 1-2 hours it makes up for it with how charming it is, I can't find any faults here other than I wish they take this concept and build upon it in a more nuanced and expansive future game. Visual novels bore me to pieces, but Sonic was able to keep me invested all the way through. That's an achievement in itself.

I was more of a Majoras Mask guy than an Ocarina of Time guy. I never really fully completed Ocarina of Time until at the time of me writing this, getting all the skulltulas, the items, the powerups, all that stuff. Even with how much of a hassle it was at times I still enjoyed this game throughout its run-time. I got really invested in its world and even some of the characters were fun to talk to and interact with. It's not my favorite Zelda but I can definitely appreciate what it did for the series and how it can be everyone else's favorite.

You see everyone's reviews and they're all the same 3/5 stars and honestly, yeah they're all justified. I wont deny that this game has its charm, and the visuals are no doubt the greatest thing going for this game, but it's a very cut and dry B-grade platformer. Nothings done here that hasn't been done before in the past and maybe it wasn't even trying to be groundbreaking. It's a fun simple game that anyone can enjoy, but the writing and characters all feel like they were designed with children in mind. Not a bad thing, it just means I'm not its target demographic, but for someone who didn't know a thing or two about the old Kao games and this was his first shot into the series, it just left me feeling ok at best. The pure definition of mid, nothing bad, but nothing great either. Pick it up when its on sale if you REALLY want to play it.

Since Tears of the Kingdom is just on the horizon I decided to revisit this game after the honey moon phase wore off like... 5 years ago god. Does it still hold up? Long story short, its ok. Like I went back mainly to complete my 100% journey as the only thing I was missing was the compendium, the horse armors, and the medals of honor which I didn't know were in the game until just recently. I still think this game is very fun to go back to and I kind of forgot how relaxing it is to just explore and have a good time. It's not the best Zelda game but it is good. Also yeah don't collect all 900 korok seeds like I did please for the love of god.

I'm just going to say this now, this is one of the weakest Kirby games in the series. Don't get me wrong, the game is pretty and the music has such a large variety of bangers but what happened here??? Kirby moves slower than the line at the DMV and there's no way to speed it up. The ability combination mechanic is so flawed, there's so much room for error, you could lift up your ability and then either miss the throw or have some random thing offscreen come in and destroy it leaving you to restart (this happened so much I started to just save state at that point) 70 percent of the crystal shards are just guess the ability combination and its not even fun to do. I don't get any gratification from just looking at 2 colors and going "oh ok I need to green one and the orange one" I much prefer the crystal shards that required you to look around and explore instead of this. Speaking of which, collecting the crystal shards was easily the worst thing to come out of this game. Yes I know its optional but they lock the true final boss behind it which is just more content so the game I believe was meant to be played by collecting everything. Speaking of that true final boss, huge letdown. Like the spectacle is there, but all i'm doing is mashing one button and dodging the same attack pattern for 3-4 times till he dies. The least they could've done is idk just given me a new phase or something but it's the same song and dance till he decides enough is enough. It just sucks they made you work for something that doesn't even feel like it worth getting. A Kirby's Dreamland 3 reference. There are other games out there worth your time, this ones really shown its age, I wouldn't recommend unless you REALLY enjoy your Kirby games slow and boring.

I've already played through Skyward Sword on the Wii, but since it wasn't really my copy I wasn't able to fully appreciate the kind of stuff it was trying to do. Years passed and I've experienced a lot more Zelda games since then I can now say this is definitely one of the better Zelda's I've played. I understand this one may not be for everyone but if your biggest issue was the motion controls, this basically circumvents that problem entirely. I think this game deserved the button control scheme it was initially going to have before Miyamoto forced in the motion controls stuff onto it. Mainly because it gives you time to focus how structured this game is rather than what the motion controls add to it. Then only will you see that this game tries to cram in so many ideas and concepts at the player so that it doesn't get stale or boring. I appreciate the ambition here and even if some don't stick the landing like others, I can still commend the effort.

This is the first time in a Zelda game where I actually cared about Link and Zeldas relationship because unlike the other games where its the chosen hero saving the princess, Link and Zelda are just childhood best friends and the romantic subtext is played on so much in this game more than any other. Which makes it more personal when Zelda gets taken away and you as a player want to save her not only because she's a princess but she's your friend too. The story for as predictable and cut and paste as it is, I found to be enjoyable mainly due to this games writing.

The writing in this game is superb, every one of these colorful cast of characters has something to add or say whether it'd be through their sidequests or just generally talking to them in skyloft. Which I gotta say is a great hubworld, not too big and not too empty, just the right size and you're usually in and out which is how I like it. I went out of my way to do everything in this game and I don't think there was a single sidequest I didn't enjoy. Reason being cause the writing kept me engaged and interested in learning more about these characters. I'd say its up with Majoras Mask in terms of charcaters and personalities, maybe not as varied but in a sense that there's so many people in skyloft that are their own beings.

Music was aboslutely masterful these big budget orchestra pieces that play during the boss fights are nothing short of amazing, and the bosses themself these have to be some of the best with how fun they are to figure out. Some are easier than others and some are... the imprisoned. But other than that they were solid.

I used a Switch Voucher for this game, and I don't think I regret it given how much fun I had revisiting Skyward Sword but in the most definitive way to play the game that no emulator could replicate. Pick this one up if you haven't played Skyward Sword and are interested other than that, maybe wait on a price drop because $60 for a Wii game in todays year is asking for too much.

I find it funny when you beat this game a text prompt shows up saying "You've now unlocked hard mode!" as if this game wasn't already in hard mode. Order of Ecclesia was an amazing time no doubt, solid level design, fun and interesting mechanics for gameplay, the glyph system and the masterful soundtrack all accompanied to make one great metriodvania title. But lets address the elephant in the room, or rather the dominus in the room, this game is too hard. It's definitely a very good game, but lets be real it can be stupidly hard at times. I guess that adds to the charm of it, but I think it was a little too hard for its own good that at times felt like there was a huge difficulty spike for no reason. Now I love a challenge but some of these bosses made me stop playing for a bit, and most of the time I was able to find out the solution through trial and error. Then you have those that NEEDED a guide because no matter what you were not going anywhere. That's the thing that pains me is that I'd like to give it a higher rating but I can't with how this can be a problem with the games overall pacing. I love Order of Ecclesia and Shanoa is definitely a new favorite protag, but I can't deny its flaws. If you're interested in playing this one proceed with caution because its difficulty may be alienating at times but if you push through it you'll find a game worth going through.

This was a pleasant time, it's one of those games where you boot up and play for a little bit and go about your day. If you want you can put in the time to mastering its levels and become the true champion of the mine but for $5 this is a game that is extremely worth it. And the Switch version added in Anton from Anton Blast so I don't know what to say but go for it!