Unfortunately, the fourth installment really doesn't live up to the previous two. There are only debatably 2 games that are even worth your time here.

Second best Jackbox pack so far (even if Tee-KO is pretty overrated).

Ignoring Earwax, this pack is a major step up from the first pack! A great starter pack for getting into Jackbox games!

Ultimately with any Jackbox pack, you will have fun with at least a couple of the game included.
Unfortunately, Pack 1 gets outshined in most everything else by the following packs, so I'd recommend getting those unless you plan on getting every pack.

This is the best multiplayer co-op game you can get. Absolutely deserved its GOTY award.
Play this one with anyone, you will have a great time (made even easier being that the other person can play for free)!

Play this game NOW.
A beautiful blend of horror, strategy, RPG, and anything else you could ask for!

Very unique horror game for its time.

Great DLC to an already great game, even if a bit short!

After playing this more, I've changed my stance on this one. Actually pretty fun with the right people!

The fact you can essentially play Team Fortress 2 in VR instantly puts this at 4 stars.

"haha im going to shoot the guy right now and then reload lol"

- Some Ginger Fuck

A love-letter to internet culture and gaming as a whole throughout the past 15 years. Hilarious!

An incredibly charming 3D Platformer.
Very much recommend to anyone who likes 3D Mario!


The ultimate roguelike.
A love-letter to everything Greek mythology.

Great single player, great multiplayer, great experience!