Better than the first game in the series but still inflicted with corporate soullessness.

The Personality Isaac got is incedibly generic and the game has drifted off into the action-horror territory.

Which is not the worst thing, actually, since the evolution is effective and restrained here. There is still enough horror here and the story is better than the first time around.

And the endgame doesn't plummet like in the predecessor.
All in all a good game. But lacking in personality and true originality. Just like its predecessor. Only not as prevalent.

... really, I don't know.

Yes, this game does a lot of things right, but somehow I can't be enthusiastic in any way.

Something about this God of War just irks me. I can't shake the feeling that a lot of the uniqueness of the previous installments in the series got sacrificed at the altair of AAA-Gaming.

For Example there is now the most milquetoast ressource collecting ever in a God of War game where it just does not fit and, for some godly reason Kratos can now be equipped with... armor... in a God of War Game... like.. what? I hate this.

Also the pacing is just not good. The Game starts off with one of the best intro sequences ever and then it takes forever to kick it into high gear again.

And on top of all that, the annoying calculated AAA-Mainstream Feel of the game, nothing about God of War (2018) "quite" works.

The story doesn't quite work. The combat doesn't quite work. The camera doesn't quite work. The characters don't quite work. The character interactions don't quite work. Nothing "quite" works.

... this is a really frustrating video game.

"You see, the pigs are a metaphor for how disenfranchised and dehumanised an industrialised and capitalist society sees its workers."

Yeah, yeah... I get it.
... very clever.
Game is just boring though.

Also this Pig-Motif gets worked to death so hard that it just looses all of its effectiveness and then some more to even make it unintentionally funny.

This was the Telltale Game I loved the best.

Everything about it was just magical. And it was a joyous occasion for me to be able to finally enjoy a Borderlands Game, because I love the universe that Gearbox has created with the series, but I cannot stand the co-op looter shooter gameplay that the core series is based around.

But here, everything just came together for me.
The characters were memorable, complex and diverse and their interactions were heartwarming, enjoyable and entertaining on just about every level.

The plot was tightly written and original, the pacing was sublime and the experience was genuinely funny as well.

The Ending was also really well done. It's too bad that there never was a season 2, however everything I needed was already here.

The only aspects the game falls short in are parts of the dialoge (not every joke lands, and when one doesn't, it's just cringeworthy. After all, there is nothing worse than a bad comedy, because there is nothing to even laugh about) and in the technical presentation.

The framerate really dips here and there and the game chugged along like a 30 Year old Volkswagen, because of the bad engine that telltale always insisted on using.
And there were a couple of glitches too.

Aside from that, this is as close to perfect as a game of this breed and genre was ever going to get and my appreciation for Tales from the Borderlands knows no limits.

... I really should replay it... again.

This is one of those lovable janky titles.

It lacks polishand has glitches here and there. Some solutions to problems are really obscure too. And the game is also really unbalanced. It is totally unclear what kind of built is worth shit and what isn't and the game gets way too hard, way to fast. Even on normal.

But, on the other side, this game has loads and loads of content, a captivating story, motivating side quests and side activities, extremely unique and interesting compagnions and just about anything you'd want from a masterclass CRPG.

Unfortunately, the problems that plague this game are simply to extreme for it to be labeled as such.
And because of that, I would put it right at the edge of the top-tier.
As one of those pretty great RPGs, that aren't quite really great :D

But still: Highly recommended for any fan of the CRPG Genre.

Really, the game is just a fucking meme at this point.

Not the worst thing ever, but its sequel blows it out of the water so hard that it just became obsolete altogether.

This is the one arcade game I actually played in an arcade till my fingers bled and the only one I was even remotely good at.

I would play it with my brother all time time. I am so lucky that I got to play in an actual arcade as a kid since there basically never have been any around anywhere near my place.

And this game is the blueprint of 90s pseudo-coolness xD

It is dumb and hilarious and walks the line between unintentionally funny and actually awesome more expertly than any other game I have ever played except maybe Resident Evil 4.

And on top of that, it's also a damn smooth beat em up experience.

All around great, but nothing you have to play, especially nowadays.

... but totally do play it if you ever come across it in an arcade.

Empire Earth is propably the only one RTS game I truly appreciate.

It looks and sounds still pretty good and plays really smoothly in all aspects.

But the selling point of this is the appeal to guide your little civilization from the stone age all the way to the space age.

This was such a cool concept and it was actually heartwarming to see the continous rise and grow of everything you have built and nurtured here.

This was always the true appeal of Empire Earth for me.
The campaigns were great sure, but nothing could be beaten by just starting a random match aganst whoever and simply see how much ages you could plow your people through this time. That was oddly satisfying.

Even if you are not into RTS at all (like me) still give this a shot if you have a thing for the history of the human race.

Chances are that you will not regret it :D
You can get Empire Earth on GOG ^-^

They say that every time you utter the phrase "Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines" , someone, somewhere in the world, reinstalls it.

Doom Eternal is a better game than 2016, but it unfortunately suffers from design errors that were absent from its predecessor.

Now, there are much more options for movement like the Dash and the Meathook that are incredibly fun to use, but the abundance of combat options just gets too overwhelming so that one ends up using only half of the available options.

The Fights kick even more ass than in the previous game, but the downtime with the first person platforming just is not interesting and suffers from inconsistencies all the way through.

Aside from that, it's just a bummer that one gets significant abilities like f.e. the Meathook way too late in game in my opinion and there is no new game plus that lets you restart the game with all the combat and movement options so you can practise with all of them and refine your power fantasy.

Monumental missed opportunity.

Still, this game is great and just an absolute blast to play through. It is fast, exciting, smooth and looks and sounds gorgeous. I just wish it was a bit more refined.