To my great surprise, I enjoyed this immensely.

It is an FMV Choose your own adventure interactive TV Series thingy, but this really just rolls with it and does a very fine job.

The production values and editing are far better than most FMV Games out there (minus the sometimes awkward jump cuts during a choice, that feel like a little part is missing; But those happen rarely. Most of the time, the editing is incredibly seamless).

And this one is actually charming, darkly comedic, a little bit scary and a little bit sexy. And on top of that, the two leads are great and even have amazing chemistry together.

This was honestly a really great time.

The people who decided that... this should to be made to create a "hard-boiled" Sonic Experience need psychological treatment, and they need it fast.

I tried. Really, I did. Multiple times.

Because this game is so creative and charming.

But I just can't get over the controls and the method of storytelling.

... it's like Silent Hill 2 all over again.

Please don't be too mean..

I Pressed F to Pay Respects so fucking hard.


Let's do this:

"I used to be an adventurer too, but then I took an arrow to the knee."

Now laugh.

Leave me alone.

... alright alright, real review.

The trials (of whatever, I forgot) are the worst and most annoying thing ever, the characters are mostly irritating and their design is mostly absurd, the game is linear as all hell with a plot that offers absolutely nothing special and has absolutely no surprises and fails to make sense in any way, shape or form.

... okay, now that I have that off my chest: FFX is still... good, the soundtrack is excellent, the gameplay is great and works perfectly for the kind of experience it is trying to deliver. The artystle is enchanting and the cutscenes rule.

It's... good.

Just... count me out if you name this among the greatest games of all time.

The Last of Us Part II feels like it is deliberately crass and shocking to pretend to be profound, which is just vulgar and I refuse to fall for it.

Metal Gear Solid 2 is a bad fan fiction with one of the worst main characters of all time.

The gameplay mostly saves the game and completely blows the first game out of the water with its loads and loads of improvements.

But everything about the story is so bonkers. This is propably the game where Kojima holds back the least, yes Guns of the Patriots was dumb too, but that was mainly because it went full on movie, tried to knot all the plot threads together and failed.

The story of MGS2 on the other hand, is simply nonsensical. It tries to make this profound meta commentary and fails spectacularily whilst introducing propably the two most cringeworthy and dumb characters of all time with Vamp and Lady Luck.

He can dodge bullets cause of muscular movement. Yes, really.
Oh, and Jack slips on seagull shit. because funny.
This game is still fun and a great time to play if you don't think about it too much. Kojima just went ape-shit here so hard that story, plot and characters are just unintentionally hilarious most of the time.

Did other games from its era age better than this? Yes.

Is it clunky? Also yes.

is it an awkward genre mix? Fuck yes.

But this game is so delightful with its not-giving-a-shit attitude and vulgar humor that was so unprecedented during the time that it came out that it just blows you away.

It's like Bayonetta, only 10 Years earier and totally different (Yes, I know that sounds stupid. Don't care).

This game is a cult classic for a reason and everybody should at least attempt to play it.

This game is stuffed with way too many collectibles, confusing level design and has so many flaws in its (game) design that it sometimes beggars belief.

It can be said with certainity that this game aged really poorly.

But still... it's also funny, charming, has some really cool levels and is always engrossing in its creativity.

Maybe I do have a softer (not totally soft) spot for this because I grew up with it.

Hollow Knight is actually really good.
It has loads content and interesting ideas that get explored in an unique and engaging way.

It's safe to say that this piece of software changed and shaped metroidvanias and indie gaming.

That being said, I am finding the experience to play this just tiresome. Maybe it's the fact that I do not feel any sense of progression despite constantly getting new abilities. Maybe the combat is just not interesting to me.

Or maybe I am just weird.

Anyways, Imma try to contine and finish this, and maybe by then I will have come to love this game as much as everybody else seems to do.

Until that time comes: Have fun without me.

Very very nice game, but it has always escaped me why this game or its series is considered to be an all time classic.

... it's just very nice.

Look, I know that this game has not aged that gracefully.
It has reused boss fights, level design is unfair at times and the difficulty can be really uneven.

That being said, I really only mildly care about any of that, because DKC is simply the most charming and humorous game of all time.

Open YT. Look at that intro. Then look at those credits.
And tell me DKC is not just an absolute joy.