I have been playing this game for years, and I can't say it's the best game ever by any stretch of the imagination, but it is absolutely perfect for just passing the time while watching a TV show or relaxing at night.

At some point, you have to decide you have finished a game when there are no credits to roll. I have spent several hundred hours staring at cookies, I think I'm good here.

This game is basically what happens if you take all of those idle games I adore and turn them into a hack and slash arcade game/shoot 'em up. It's amazing, a real, unironic candidate for my GOTY.

I played 90% of the story for this 20-30 hour game in two days. If that isn’t a ringing endorsement for the quality of the story, I don’t know what is.

I replayed this 7+ years later due to the holiday expansion and it was actually way more fun than I remember it being. The game is pretty simplistic in nature and the forced wait time to get items shipped to you is super frustrating, but it is really fun nonetheless.

I think this game is relatively fun and relaxing whenever I first start a round, but I find my eyes glazing over before I really get that far. I don't think this is the right kind of puzzle game for me.

If I had to sum my thoughts up quickly, I’d say that this could have been great if the story was the same length as the first Spider-Man. Unfortunately, the shorter length led to some major corners getting cut with characterization and left me disappointed in the end. This was just a glorified DLC.

This is a short and sweet 3D platformer with Pikmin-esque elements that doesn’t overstay its welcome. The difficulty was on the simple side, so it feels like it may be meant for families and children, but the pop culture references scattered throughout will be popular with the adults in the room, as well. Platforming was a little weird sometimes, but since the game as a whole had a low difficulty, it never bothered me. Overall, a lot of fun!

There were a few puzzle solutions that were really clever and I enjoyed that, but on the whole, this was mostly a boring Portal clone. It probably needed a little more length in order to really flesh out its own mechanics a little more. I did appreciate the ways that the gameplay and story intertwine, though.

This is definitely one where I'm going to continue to go back and try and unlock more clips whenever I have a little time between games. I love the way the game presents the clues to you and allows you the freedom to come to your own conclusions about the events. It's brilliantly acted and has a fun narrative with some deep themes sprinkled throughout.

This was really goofy, but I had a shockingly good time reading through the journal entries and seeing all of the game/trope references involved here.

I wish I loved this as much as everyone else did. I didn't even dislike it, but giving it a 7/10 feels like I'm committing some sort of crime. I just feel like this game needed to commit harder to being an actual murder mystery or scrap the murder mystery premise altogether and just focus on existing in the complex political environment. The balancing act wasn't quite right here and that led to a frustrating narrative experience for the player.


A short and sweet puzzle platformer that does not overstay its welcome. Highly recommend to anyone needing to kick back and relax for an evening!

I didn’t personally have quite as good of a time with the sequel as I did with the original. This probably stems from this being intended more as a co-op title, and the AI companion you get if you aren’t playing with someone else can make the game either way easier or way harder than it needs to be, depending on the circumstance. It was still puntastic and had me laughing the whole way through, so I really hope more of these are made


This was a short and reasonably fun puzzle/adventure title. I did spend a fair amount of time aimlessly wandering with no plan, which made the constant death loop mechanic a little frustrating at times. Still, I beat it 4 times in a row and earned the platinum, so I clearly must have found something to enjoy.