I had so much fun with this game. The ending is a bit of a letdown, but not nearly enough to ruin some of the jaw-dropping puzzle solutions and twists.

Yuffie is one of my favorite characters in Final Fantasy VII, so it was great to see her get her own mini-story. I'm really glad I played it before starting rebirth so I could learn more about her characterization before meeting her in the main series. She's also a ton of fun to play as, with a really fast combat style. Honestly, my biggest complaint is that this was a tiny DLC and not a larger experience in itself.

I’ve been playing this game for years and finally got around to actually beating it. It isn’t my favorite tower defense game, but it sure has a lot of charm.

I have mixed feelings on this. The music is phenomenal and the whole game just oozes a sense of unique style that is unlike anything I've ever played before. It's also an incredibly frustrating mess to play from a modern standpoint and hasn't aged particularly well. I'm glad I experienced it, but also never want to play it again.

As a game, I wouldn't say it's anything particularly impressive. It's just a traditional PS2-era 3D platformer. As a love letter to the classic Spongebob cartoons from my childhood, however, it's one of the most wonderfully nostalgic experiences I've ever had.

This is baby’s first collectathon platformer, but it’s shockingly cute and fun for what it is. I’d totally give this to a child wanting to play a basic video game.

This rating is based mainly on the campaign and playing as a single class that, admittedly, I don’t think was the best choice for my play style (necromancer). I expect this game will likely become a 4.5 or even full 5 with more time put into the seasons as other classes later, but the story of Diablo IV has always been the weakest selling aspect for me. That said, this was way more compelling than the narrative of 3 and I’m actually excited to see what comes next in future expansions and seasons.

Is this the best game that I've ever played? Probably not, and the score I'm giving it is probably a little overinflated. That said, this is exactly the game that I dreamed of having as a child in love with the books and films. I can't wait to see what the developers do next.

This was super cute and I wanted to love it, but it was super buggy and unpolished. Additionally, it was so short that the credits were rolling before I felt like I had even gotten much of a handle on the whole experience. It was adorable and I’m sure I’ll still go back periodically to visit my cute animal friends, but this was a bit of a disappointment for me.

This is a difficult one to review, because Higurashi has high highs and low lows. If I added my scores for each episode all up together, I doubt the average rating would actually equal 4.5 stars, but when taken as a full story, Higurashi is a master of its craft and there's no denying that. It's bloated and frustrating at times and probably could have been told in half the length without sacrificing any detail or quality, but when it goes big, it's truly a spectacle to behold.

I want to preface this by saying I had no idea what the Lacey's games universe was before seeing this on Steam and deciding to play it. It was a fun enough time, but very rough around the edges. Some of that is definitely intentional for the style of analog horror being produced, but some of it seemed simply broken and was a little frustrating. Still, it was a short, amusing enough time.

I think the parts were there for this to be a good game, but none of these parts worked together or were fully fleshed-out. Another year of development and some better management and this game may have gone in a totally different direction.

This is more of a toy than a true game, but I had a decent time making a few rooms. The overall variety is a little lacking, but I'm hopeful that maybe more updates will come out to improve upon that area.

I love the Vampire Survivors-alike style of video game, which has turned into a full-fledged genre at this point. That said, I didn't think 20 Minutes Till Dawn was as engaging or kept me interested in the progression as some of the other titles in this genre. I may still periodically go back for a round here and there, but I didn't love it.

This was really fun! The puzzles are a bit on the simplistic side, but I don't think puzzles always have to be incredibly complicated to be good, so long as they feel clever and well-constructed. It was goofy and entertained me for the full runtime.