I'm so glad this franchise finally game to main consoles so I could play it, as someone who gets headaches playing on handheld devices. Final Fantasy is my favorite series of all time, so of course Theatrhythm would be the perfect celebration of everything I love. In fact, I probably enjoy this more than some of the mainline entries.

I enjoy hidden object games. They're pretty casual experiences that I can just sit back and relax while I play. I definitely prefer when the genre utilizes more animations, but I still had a fun hour or two while drinking a cup of tea, which was worth the low price of admission.

This is definitely one where I'm going to continue to go back and try and unlock more clips whenever I have a little time between games. I love the way the game presents the clues to you and allows you the freedom to come to your own conclusions about the events. It's brilliantly acted and has a fun narrative with some deep themes sprinkled throughout.

There were a few puzzle solutions that were really clever and I enjoyed that, but on the whole, this was mostly a boring Portal clone. It probably needed a little more length in order to really flesh out its own mechanics a little more. I did appreciate the ways that the gameplay and story intertwine, though.

I'm really sad that I didn't enjoy this. I picked it up as part of a larger bundle because it looked really interesting, but it plays more like a minigame that happens to feature dating, as opposed to a full dating simulator. It also only takes 20-30 minutes to go through a route, which isn't long enough to really get to know the various relationships. It just wasn't very fun in the end.

This was such a beautiful game and it made sure to not overstay its welcome. If anything, I actually wish it had been a little longer because I loved the very light puzzle elements and would have enjoyed seeing more while further exploring the emotional story.

This was a nice experience that was surprisingly enjoyable, given it was a 10 minute game that I bought on a whim. It's not the best thing I've ever played, but it's worth giving a try for just a few dollars.

This game is incredibly goofy and I'm not sure I ever got particularly "good" at it, but it's one of those titles where being bad at it is almost more fun than actually playing the right notes. What a fun and quirky rhythm game, even if I found the song selection a little lacking.

I read the entirety of this in record time, taking every moment I wasn't working or sleeping to pick it up because I needed to know what happens next. If this is one of the weaker SciAdv games, I can't wait to see what is in store for me going forward.

I finally dusted this one off the backlog because I wanted to play the sequel. Is this my favorite game of all time? No, absolutely not. The clients were way too rigid for me to have a whole lot of fun with the actual art creation part (which I'm sure may be a deliberate choice for the sake of telling a story with the gameplay, but that still didn't make it very fun). Still, nothing beats scribbling on a canvas for 5 minutes and making several thousand dollars.

This was cute, and didn't cost me any money. That said, I beat it in under 10 minutes, so don't expect a lot of content here.