This was super cute and I wanted to love it, but it was super buggy and unpolished. Additionally, it was so short that the credits were rolling before I felt like I had even gotten much of a handle on the whole experience. It was adorable and I’m sure I’ll still go back periodically to visit my cute animal friends, but this was a bit of a disappointment for me.

I’m a sucker for idle games and one thing I do love about both Plantera titles is that it feels like there is some sort of end to it. It doesn’t go on for 400 hours chasing bigger numbers and upgrades. It’s a relaxing 5-10 hours and then I can move on with my life.

I think this is my favorite Katamari of the franchise. The variety of mission objectives keeps the experience fresh, while still being fun and goofy to play like always. What a fun time!

This rating is based mainly on the campaign and playing as a single class that, admittedly, I don’t think was the best choice for my play style (necromancer). I expect this game will likely become a 4.5 or even full 5 with more time put into the seasons as other classes later, but the story of Diablo IV has always been the weakest selling aspect for me. That said, this was way more compelling than the narrative of 3 and I’m actually excited to see what comes next in future expansions and seasons.

This was fun, but could have been better with some slightly more complex logic. Many of the emojis ultimately did more or less the same thing, and I found myself defaulting to just a few of the ones I earned because the remainder were too situational. Still, it was cheap and an enjoyable hour of playtime.

This game has one of the best protagonists I have ever seen and a phenomenal soundtrack. Those aspects really carried what could sometimes be a more middling experience. A few other characters stood out, but most were cardboard cutouts instead of interesting and dynamic people for the protagonist to interact with. The story was fun, but pretty predictable at every turn.

I think the parts were there for this to be a good game, but none of these parts worked together or were fully fleshed-out. Another year of development and some better management and this game may have gone in a totally different direction.

I realize this is probably a slightly inflated score, but you know what? This was fun. It knew what it wanted to be and it achieved it.

This is baby’s first collectathon platformer, but it’s shockingly cute and fun for what it is. I’d totally give this to a child wanting to play a basic video game.

I’ve been playing this game for years and finally got around to actually beating it. It isn’t my favorite tower defense game, but it sure has a lot of charm.


This game is beautiful. The graphics, art direction, and music are up there with the legends like Ori and the Blind Forest. Unfortunately, the actual gameplay itself leaves a lot to be desired and I found myself quite bored for most of the game’s run, no matter how pretty the rest of the experience is.

I love anything related to Minecraft because I’ve always loved the world and art style, so this gets some bonus points for that. That said, this really wasn’t fun to play. Characters stuck in walls, unable to understand the concept of staircases, and a lot of tedious back and forth for resources until the late-game upgrades made this kind of a slog even though the campaign was quite short. I’m glad I gave it a shot and even more glad I didn’t pay for it given the beauty of game pass, but I’m probably not going back to it again, unlike its predecessor, Minecraft Dungeons.

This is an adorable game that I'm so glad I got to grow up with. I doubt a modern audience will care about it, but for me, playing this had a lot of nostalgia attached.

I found this to be a slightly more frustrating puzzle experience than its inevitable comparison, Obra Dinn, and the story was weaker, but this is still a charming and fun game to play over an evening or two.

This was free and only took about 10 minutes to play, so I can't really say much about it other than that I enjoyed the ten minutes of my life spent on this game.