Tried this in real life. Didn't work.

Cheap jak and daxter rip-off without any of the hot women

I once went to take a shit while playing this game and by the time I came back the game had already beaten itself.

Yoko Taro killed my dad after he played this game

I am now addicted to 3728 different types of hard drugs

I didnt expect the Pokemons to snap their own necks but it was very unique

The only thing epic about this game is how Nintendo was able to sell a copy of this crap

This is what happens when you jerk off too hard

I went in expecting a Tales game but by the time I was halfway there it turns out I had been scammed into buying Phantasy Star 5. Awful experience.

If you like this game you should be considered a registered sex offender

I don't know what a Kamen Rider is but the bug man with the dildo arm is funny

I love the part where Emil turns into Nero from the Devil May Cry series and nearly beats a man to death

I think I just accidentally blew up a civilian hospital