Somehow even worse than the original. Arguably the worst experience I have EVER had playing an RPG. I wasted 80 hours of my life getting both endings and I am never getting them back

Great game about throwing royalty out of the window of a giant tower

Somehow the worst one in the trilogy. Camelot are such shit developers goddamn

I don't even know how they did it but this one's somehow even worse than the first one

Contrary to popular belief this game is a travesty of an RPG and all its fans are nostalgic dumbasses who wish they could go back to simpler times where bad things = good things

This game reminded me of my time in New Jersey when a rabid Dalmatian killed my father with a Zweihänder and attempted to shoot me with a sawed off shotgun. I have not yet been able to mentally recover from the trauma of this incident

One time I went to take a piss and Kota Hoshino broke into my bathroom and locked me in forcing me to listen to every single song he has ever composed. Phenomenal game

This game ruined my friendship and made me extremely violent toward Tumblr users. Great to test how much hate you can accumulate within a mere 10 hours

This is the single greatest game on the Nintendo DS. I love assassinating innocent civilians as a young anime girl.

I attempted to play this game but was struck by an epileptic attack the very second the game began. I am currently hospitalized and will most likely not make it. Thank you, Sega

This game is impossible to beat so I softmodded my WIi and gave myself infinite Red Shells to go online with. A fun game

The single greatest game on the PS2. The stealth sequence puts Shindler's List to shame

Never played a game that more accurately depicts the horrors of living in Britain

The only thing epic about this game is how Nintendo was able to sell a copy of this crap