I played 80+ hours before anything new came out and I should definitely come back but I HAVEN'T yet.


The best video game experience of my life up to that point in 2024.

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The twists were fun but ended up just watching the ending because I got a bit tired of the...later portions of the game.

SUPER fun. Need to go back and finish it someday.

So incredibly satisfying. Very proud of not even looking anything up!

I can see how I would have fallen SO far down the rabbit hole but the aesthetics just weren't for me.

I'm always playing something that I think about often/can't wait to get home and play, but very rarely, maybe once a year, a game reaches the point where it's all I think about and do nothing else except play a game until I beat it. This is one of those and I love it SO much.

Only a 3* right now because I never ended up getting caught up enough to finish it like I did the first game. I'll come back someday.

Never finished it but put quite a bit of time into it. This is another that I need to come back and finish someday.