Full action RE isn't nearly as fun you might think.

Cute. I feel like this should've come preinstalled on the Steam Deck to show off the features.

Unique in a lot of ways. Never quite lives up to its potential.

One of those perfect experiences you can rarely find.


A bit lesser than the some of its parts, Jak 3 still manages to have some of my favorite moments of the series. The vehicle combat isn't as fun as the game seems to think it is but it's up for in the variety. The third act twist is on of the greatest reveals I've ever seen.

Very solid spinoff/sequel. Vox is one of my all time favorite villains. The last time the series had its original style of humor.

Out of the big three (Sly, Jak, and Ratchet) Sly's final PS2 entry is the strongest.

The Smash game that made it one of Nintendo's staple franchises.

Good but not great. Atmosphere is top notch and gameplay is tight but the world and characters never quite captured me the way The Witcher 3 did. Despite the main story being about 40 hours it still felt too short but this could be alleviated with the planned expansion set during the main quest.

I credit Guitar Hero 2 for getting me into music.

I really vibed with this game. Unfortunately it seems that most people didn't. The DLC epilogue sucks.

The best of the future series. The gameplay is evolved on the most significantly since Going Commando. Doctor Nefarious returning is a great surprise and was well before he became over used.

One of the weirdest racing games I've ever seen.

Starts off alright but falls flat in the underground sections. From there the puzzle design often expects you to look up which is really hard to convey even for expert developers. Kinda interesting in parts but really annoying in others.