Why did they release a 2nd OST for this that is objectively worse than the original. Good game tho it was like all i cared abt as an 8 year old.

The only fighting game I put any significant amount of time into. It's really good.

Game's pretty solidly worse than MD, format changes like every month with the new boxes that come out and it's very pay to win, even though its gotten better. Still gotta give it a high rating cus it's yugioh.

Been into yugioh since 2019 and when this came out it was so huge for me i freaked the fuck out. I love this game but hate Konami.

Game so good i had more hours on it than most of my other games in like a week lmao. Modding scene is crazy too they're doing this game so good u don't even notice it barely gets updates.

Okay like yea it's good but Sinnoh fans make it seem like the greatest game of all time like when it's really not all that. Also I'm sorry but Cynthia is mad easy.

Peak of the franchise, literally the most kino of kino as far as mainline games go. Maxie and Archie are gay and dating btw

This game's okay but lowkey Kanto, even in the remakes, is one of the weaker regions. Bulbasaur supremacy.

The best pokemon game by a mile, they gotta remake this.

Bit weaker than the games preceding it but it's absolutely still worth your time.

The best game in the trilogy. I need Godot so bad.