Games where you go to the bathroom

Peeing, pooping, or using a bathroom as an in game mechanic. Using a bathroom as a save point, reflection spot etc counts, but the presence of toilets alone isn't enough otherwise this list would be way too long. Also no explicit adult games... Yeah...

Heavily referenced this


7 months ago

Honorable mentions but I'm not going to add them to the above list (since they are not actions by the player)
Sekiro The guardian ape throws its poo at you
MGS2 You can get peed on by an npc
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets Fire crabs that poop fire at you

7 months ago

you can pee in Boku no Natsuyasumi 2

7 months ago

5 months ago

I don’t know if this counts but in Yakuza 0 you walk in on a group of thugs in a bathroom and then fight them
oh my goodness
my brothers pet peeve is ppl saying bathroom to public restrooms so my windows -2 brain always call home bathrooms "restrooms" and vice versa

8 days ago

@imshitting420 Your brother needs to try bathing in a public restroom sink sometime. It will change his life.

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