Hypnospace outlaw but for edgy Russian teens

Played this on my dad's mfing palm pilot I was that starved for gaming. I was a game hungry child.


I love Noisestorm and I was genuinely so hyped for this game but unfortunately I just can't really get into the endless risk of rain style gameplay it ended up having.

The music for spanking at over 200 mph is one of the bops of all time. I swear I got it to 500+ one time though no you've gotta believe me I really did it!

Proves my theory that the mushrooms are all spying on us

There are a lot of great ideas for the potential of VR here in the mechanics/controller etc but unfortunately the content is just way too shallow. Definitely got my blood pumping with some of the ambushes though.

Honestly I have a hard time getting into base-building survival games, but I think the simplicity in gameplay and narrative kept me going on this one. Naked zombos scale up in power incredibly quickly though making it necessary to farm for armor which is tedious.


I've never beaten a shmup before but I've definitely listened to the soundtrack for this all the way through several times.

Sifu is one of my favorite games so I was excited to see what Sloclap's first game was like. It wasn't that great! The idea of designing your own martial art style by mixing and matching movesets is cool and the MMO aspect is neat as well but the implementation of the moves was so clunky and it's basically a ghosttown.... So yeah.

Genuinely interesting approach to full on virtual reality experiences with interactive props and traverse-able environments in a real physical space. Unfortunately we practically lost The Void to dishonest management and the pandemic.

Honestly I don't know why I had any expectations for this at all but yeah it was a terrible gacha game further desecrating the shallow grave of star ocean. Even for a gacha one thing that really showed as a red flag was the quality of characters. All but the rarest characters had the laziest design work I've ever seen. C'mon guys show Claire some love.

This is the one with Obama Shaving (GOAT)

The voxel art style is sometimes kind of neat and other times extremely uncanny and weird. It's like the separate team members modeled all of the different assets without any sort of cooperation other than "make it voxels" because some people have smooth faces, some super voxely faces, and some textures are just scaled really big on stuff? A lot of bosses and environments do look really awesome, but in the end the story and combat/mechanics are probably one of the least kinetic or interesting experiences I have ever gone through.