This is the one time I have given fire emblem a chance and no it did not pass

The voxel art style is sometimes kind of neat and other times extremely uncanny and weird. It's like the separate team members modeled all of the different assets without any sort of cooperation other than "make it voxels" because some people have smooth faces, some super voxely faces, and some textures are just scaled really big on stuff? A lot of bosses and environments do look really awesome, but in the end the story and combat/mechanics are probably one of the least kinetic or interesting experiences I have ever gone through.

This game is like half a megabyte and yet is one of the most cohesive, bite sized pieces of entertainment ever created. The best short game of all time. No contest.

Battle passes have ruined gaming (puns do not make up for this)

Girlfriend does not approve of any of this...


Great attempt but nothing will make breakout actually fun in any way

Definitely had some heart and a lot of good intentions but was really just not finished all the way. I'd love to see them give it another try with more time and playtesting etc.

Another attempt at horror hidden in an innocent looking anime story and I guess it accomplishes that at the end but I cannot forgive pacing this bad and the anime antics drove me up the wall. The slice of life segments could've been 1/10 as long and would've given the actual good part more impact. Hard to really call it a "good part" though when it's just more supernatural mumbo jumbo and not even really a mystery at all. At least I got a good laugh when I found the original sprites option (objectively better looking than the new sprites holy crap). Played in Japanese.

Some of the most visceral sound effects I've ever experienced.

The slide puzzle section can burn in hell


Probably the best mobile game I've ever played. It does suffer from that kind of pretentious trying-too-hard-to-be-deep narrator that so many mobile games have but the gameplay just makes me feel like some sort of reflexes God and I want more of it.

This is the one with Obama Shaving (GOAT)

teleports behind you
Nothing personal kid