Some of the most visceral sound effects I've ever experienced.


I've never beaten a shmup before but I've definitely listened to the soundtrack for this all the way through several times.

Girlfriend does not approve of any of this...

This is the one with Obama Shaving (GOAT)

How does this game only have like 9 plays on here? It was practically required for graduating 3rd grade.

The first mobile game I loved. The only game I've ever bought in game currency for. I got in when the game first started and it was a genuine blast. Then the terrible pay to win monetize bullcrap ruined everything.

Legendary mobile game. Peak of the platform in some ways.

The infinite generation of spiderweb or shit to flies to plastic was genuinely frustrating and unsettling

While it's a lot more coherent than the first game in the visuals department it somehow makes less sense and feels more stilted in every other aspect.

The voxel art style is sometimes kind of neat and other times extremely uncanny and weird. It's like the separate team members modeled all of the different assets without any sort of cooperation other than "make it voxels" because some people have smooth faces, some super voxely faces, and some textures are just scaled really big on stuff? A lot of bosses and environments do look really awesome, but in the end the story and combat/mechanics are probably one of the least kinetic or interesting experiences I have ever gone through.

This game is like half a megabyte and yet is one of the most cohesive, bite sized pieces of entertainment ever created. The best short game of all time. No contest.

Sifu is one of my favorite games so I was excited to see what Sloclap's first game was like. It wasn't that great! The idea of designing your own martial art style by mixing and matching movesets is cool and the MMO aspect is neat as well but the implementation of the moves was so clunky and it's basically a ghosttown.... So yeah.

Honestly I don't know why I had any expectations for this at all but yeah it was a terrible gacha game further desecrating the shallow grave of star ocean. Even for a gacha one thing that really showed as a red flag was the quality of characters. All but the rarest characters had the laziest design work I've ever seen. C'mon guys show Claire some love.