Resident Evil 3 is like if Resident Evil 2 decided to skip straight to Mr X and gave him a mini gun. AKA it's really damn good. Jill returns and that's great because it gives her a chance to have a little arc. In RE1 she's caught off guard and only makes it out by the skin of her teeth. In RE3 she's grown to a point where she just tears through what's left of Racoon City with a desperate energy that actually shows up in gameplay. On top of a new counter mechanic (which is honestly pretty poorly implemented but A for effort) and a 180 degree quick turn, there's also scripted segments where Jill will have to make snap decisions that'll have pretty large consequences for the way the game plays out. But despite the all that juicy replayability this is the mainline RE game I've replayed the least cuz it's really hard and I'm a widdle baby.

Re: Devil May Cry 3 review

Devil May Cry 3 is like if Devil May Cry 2 was good. I have less to say about it both because so much has already been said about it over the. Years, but I also just don't have that many unique opinions about the game. It's one of the best action games of all time. Massively influential to the 3D beat-em-up genre, elevating it to an art. I guess the only thing I can say is that I actually like that the styles are separate and you can switch freely. It fits Dante being young and not a master combatant yet, and also it teaches the player over time. Now I do think it takes way too long to level up the styles but whatever I get it, do more playthroughs yadda yadda yadda. Other than that, yeah it's pretty much perfect. Great music, great art, great story, great gameplay. It's probably the single biggest sequel upgrade in the history of video games. That's it, buy the game, it's good, the switch version has local multiplayer and store switching too.

TLDR: Lady is cute and I wish she was playable

I like this more than the main game. I don't care, Zack is my boi

The game just OOZES that nineties CRUNCH that you can only find on the PSX. The teal metal, the crunchy sound of the shotgun, even the disks have a nice texture on them. This game's big gimmick is the zapping system, stuff you do in one campaign affects the other, like special weapon pickups and even a certain optional puzzle can only be completed by the combined efforts of 2 playthroughs. And the big thing that this game has ov3r it's remake, Mr. X. A player in 1998 would have no idea who that is so when he shows and wrecks your shit in the second playthrough where you think you know everything, it must've blown their minds encountering him the first time. I know it did for me. Anyway this game is fire, Claire A Leon B all day.

After all these years, Resident Evil 1 remake is still the most polished horror game ever made. The change to a more gothic styled Spencer Mansion really makes the game more scary, but even without that, the changes to gameplay increase it more so. The Crimson Heads' aggressive speed and ability to surprise left me so paranoid it even seeped it's way into other RE games. I don't trust any zombies to stay dead in other games now. That's not even taking into account the added Lisa Trevor subplot, the defensive items, the redone soundtrack and the monumental jump in graphic quality and art style. While other horror games may occasionally have better scares, or better action, (and certainly better performances) no horror game has the same consistent level of quality in all aspects. Yet another Mikami banger

This game is a hot mess and I mean that in both ways. Devil May Cry 2 is an unquestionable failure and in both gameplay and story. It's a cash grab banking on the good will generated by the first game. And yet, it's also a hot mess, because it's bad and kinda hot (award winning writing, I know). HEAR MR OUT This game is garbage and I won't try to convince you otherwise, but I kinda love it. Don't worry, I'm not about to say "Devil May Cry 2 is actually a misunderstood gem" or anything like that, but I do want to spotlight some good aspects of the game that I feel get overshadowed by general awfulness. Stuff like the incredible soundtrack, which despite being on the same quality as the other games and produced by many of the series composers, it gets over looked entirely (probably because you can't hear it over the extremely loud sound effects). And then there's the character designs, my favorite in the series.

Look at the regular enemies for example. Generic skeletons? Possibly. But they're encased in these torture prison devices, strung up on cables and street signs. We're they imprisoned and left to starve in front of the townsfolk as a warning of some kind? Strange decor for the supposedly peaceful town, Vie de Marli. Maybe they're not from the village at all, and were summoned there because the last of the ancient clan of Protectors are there. And then there are the wolves Freki and Geri, when they show up they're so different from every other enemy so far. While the other are rusty and covered in dried blood and dirt, the Wolves almost appear cel shaded with how radiant they are in game. And when they're summoned back by their master you see why. Bolverk and his wolves had the potential to be this game's Vergil, they even have you fight them multiple times. He's imposing but there's a slight bit of humanity to him, the way he fights with his dogs. His design tells you so much, especially the scar that runs down his forehead into his eye. Character designer Daigo Ikeno stated in the DMC3142 art book that he wanted the scar to light up wherever he spoke to Dante about his father, Sparda. Sparda killed Bolverk ages ago, but the game implies even more. When you fight Bolverk (one of the few actually good fights in the game) he uses moves Dante had in the first game, moves that Sparda would've used. Did Bolverk and Sparda fight together, did one teach the other how to fight, were they friends before Sparda turned his back on the Demon Realm? Sadly we'll likely never know, because Bolverk doesn't speak in the final game, almost none of the bosses do. And the game simply isn't good enough for most people to over analyze it like this.

I can go on and on about how this game takes place after Dante freed his brother Vergil, but in the process killed him. Dante's sleeker, darker design in this game can be interpreted as him carrying a part of Vergil with him (even if that wasn't the intention). Or how the final boss, Argosax is a disgusting pile of reanimated corpses, but when he transforms into his final form, The Despair Embodied (god that's a cool name), he becomes this beautiful androgynous fire god. And how that thematically ties into Lucia and her Devil Trigger turning her into what looks like an angel only for her to find out she's just another devil experiment created by her father, and how she rises above that fact to defeat him. Devil May Cry 2 clearly has a lot it wants to say about the appearances of devils and the mysterious angels of the series, something that would be alluded to with Devil May Cry 3's the fallen, and the entirety of the Order of the Sword in Devil May Cry 4. But at the end of the day it's still over analyzing, because no matter how good these designs are, that's not enough to make it a good game. There's only 2 good boss fights in the whole game, that being Bolverk and his wolves and the Despair Embodied. The other bosses have strong potential but all lack either the ai, difficulty, or area to fully utilize their strengths. A few of them might've been better suited for other characters, like Nero or Vergil since they tend to stay up in the sky for long periods of time. The level design is some if the worst in action game history, originally designed as a mini open world but then cut down due to budget and time constraints, the city is the worst offender. Massive and long streets are everywhere in a game where the combat is best in small tight locations. It introduces the series staple Bloody Palace mode, but when the combat is this sloppy I don't see why anyone would want to play more of it. Lucia and DMC2 Dante have some of the best designs in the series but they don't really interact much till the end and itssucha huge missed opportunity. Nothing about this game works gameplay-wise, which is incredibly disappointing. It's a one star game but my bias forces me to give it the extra star for all the sick art and potential, even if it's a 5 star in my heart.

Tldr: the game is shit but I like it cuz Lucia is really pretty


Ok now that I got that out of the way, DMC4 is a game that I've been defending since day one, but now that we have an actually good Devil May Cry sequel I don't have to anymore. Made in Capcom's god tier engine MT Frameworks, DMC4 styled all over every game boasting a silky smooth frame rate, one of the most complex combat systems in gaming, and some gorgeous environments and character models. Too bad they didn't finish the damn game. I don't think I've ever played a game so horribly padded and it's mind boggling that they decided to give the shitty left overs to Dante, and I didn't like it that much the first time when it was fresh with Nero. Nero is the new comer and he's probably the best addition this game brings to the series. He's a hot head with style and he helps Dante and Vergil seem even cooler. Despite being weaker than Dante he ends up doing some pretty impressive stuff both in and out of gameplay. His devil arm is such a fun new tool and his blue rose gun is a lot more fun to charge up and shoot than Ebony and Ivory. Dante also returns with the ability to use ask his styles in tandem and can even use Vergil's Yamato. Too bad it's not in a better game. DMC4 feels like it was a test by the developers to see what they could get away with. On one hand you have combat mechanics I can only describe as exquisite, but it also has some of the most infuriating enemies in action game and literally makes you backtrack through the whole game. The quality is all over the place, making the end product feel extremely lopsided.

The special edition doesn't help that much either. Vergil is a great character, but I only really care about him in relation to Dante and how he makes him grow as a character. Without Dante he's just another stoic anime dude with a Katana to me, so slapping him in the game without me levels or cutscenes really doesn't do anything for me. Playable Trish and especially Lady is really exciting, but again, no new levels or cutscenes so not really interesting. If it was just a little 5 mission DLC that would've been one thing, but they just don't have the mechanics to carry a whole 20 mission campaign. I'm mostly exaggerating about it's problems, but it is a deeply flawed game. I still love it very much. Just be ready to skip some missions on the replay.

Also Trish wears blackface in this game lol. Though she's a shape shifter so I guess it's fine. Why doesn't she change her shape to stop looking like Eva that's so weird?

TLDR: Game is infuriating but Kyrie is cute and Lady is playable so it's good.

Re: Devil May Cry 4 Review


Ok now that I got that out of the way, DMC4 is a game that I've been defending since day one, but now that we have an actually good Devil May Cry sequel I don't have to anymore. Made in Capcom's god tier engine MT Frameworks, DMC4 styled all over every game boasting a silky smooth frame rate, one of the most complex combat systems in gaming, and some gorgeous environments and character models. Too bad they didn't finish the damn game. I don't think I've ever played a game so horribly padded and it's mind boggling that they decided to give the shitty left overs to Dante, and I didn't like it that much the first time when it was fresh with Nero. Nero is the new comer and he's probably the best addition this game brings to the series. He's a hot head with style and he helps Dante and Vergil seem even cooler. Despite being weaker than Dante he ends up doing some pretty impressive stuff both in and out of gameplay. His devil arm is such a fun new tool and his blue rose gun is a lot more fun to charge up and shoot than Ebony and Ivory. Dante also returns with the ability to use ask his styles in tandem and can even use Vergil's Yamato. Too bad it's not in a better game. DMC4 feels like it was a test by the developers to see what they could get away with. On one hand you have combat mechanics I can only describe as exquisite, but it also has some of the most infuriating enemies in action game and literally makes you backtrack through the whole game. The quality is all over the place, making the end product feel extremely lopsided.

The special edition doesn't help that much either. Vergil is a great character, but I only really care about him in relation to Dante and how he makes him grow as a character. Without Dante he's just another stoic anime dude with a Katana to me, so slapping him in the game without me levels or cutscenes really doesn't do anything for me. Playable Trish and especially Lady is really exciting, but again, no new levels or cutscenes so not really interesting. If it was just a little 5 mission DLC that would've been one thing, but they just don't have the mechanics to carry a whole 20 mission campaign. I'm mostly exaggerating about it's problems, but it is a deeply flawed game. I still love it very much. Just be ready to skip some missions on the replay.

Also Trish wears blackface in this game lol. Though she's a shape shifter so I guess it's fine. Why doesn't she change her shape to stop looking like Eva that's so weird?

TLDR: Game is infuriating but Kyrie is cute and Lady is playable so it's good.

Don't play this version, play Special Edition

Devil May Cry 3 is like if Devil May Cry 2 was good. I have less to say about it both because so much has already been said about it over the. Years, but I also just don't have that many unique opinions about the game. It's one of the best action games of all time. Massively influential to the 3D beat-em-up genre, elevating it to an art. I guess the only thing I can say is that I actually like that the styles are separate and you can switch freely. It fits Dante being young and not a master combatant yet, and also it teaches the player over time. Now I do think it takes way too long to level up the styles but whatever I get it, do more playthroughs yadda yadda yadda. Other than that, yeah it's pretty much perfect. Great music, great art, great story, great gameplay. It's probably the single biggest sequel upgrade in the history of video games. That's it, buy the game, it's good, the switch version has local multiplayer and store switching too.

TLDR: Lady is cute and I wish she was playable

Mixed bag. Re:Mind would bump it up to 4

How is it possible that this is worse than the gba version?

Devil May Cry 5 is like if Devil May Cry 4 was good. I don't have much to say that hasn't already been said. This is the best action games ever made. Sure there's some tweaks and things I wish they did different or added, but at the end of the day you will not find a more satisfying, feature complete, action game. Tied with RE4 as my all time favorite games

Honestly? Slap the Neo Dante skin on and skip the cutscenes and it's not bad at all. With the cutscenes? It drops to a 2.

I mean it's good...I don't wanna play it anymore though.