36 reviews liked by Tr0llF13nd

Really good shit. Might not be everyone's cup of tea because it throws so much stuff at the wall to see if it sticks that it becomes a jack-of-all-trades master of none kind of game. But the core mechanic: diving and collecting fish is good enough that even if you don't connect to the farm sim mini game, it won't last more than 2 mins before you can get back to what you like.

Art style and cutscenes unexpected mvp

This was kind of what I was looking for from Super Bomberman R but now replaying this, I think I had rose-tinted glasses either way.

I do enjoy the core gameplay and I feel like a god when I manage to kick a bomb and stop it just in time to trap an enemy. But at the end of the day, it's overly repetitive and brutally punishing at times.

I will die on a hill that this game was excellent in it's time. Hell, the fact i managed to beat the game and enjoyed the shit out of it as a kid is testament to that. But now less fun to play 20 years later.

I'm extremely curious about whether Bomberman can turn itself around or another studio can pick up the core gameplay loop that this has left behind because there may be something here and I think there could be a market for an innovation. Or maybe game design has just moved on and games like this have been left behind forever, who knows.

What a pleasant surprise this game was. I had less than zero desire to play it but borrowed it from my brother when he was done just to see what the craic was. And the craic was good! This is a very good game! It does get extremely repetitive but like... it's still super good! The story is surprisingly charming, the world is neat, and fuck what the internet says I actually really like the art style and don't have a problem with the stylised trees. Pokemon Company can you just.... can you just make a 100% good pokemon game please? You're so close. I'll settle for 95%, take it or leave it.

Speaking of games I've played a lot of, this bad boy has been a mainstay on my phone with a DS Emulator for like... 5 years now? Whenever I'm bored: bam, quick play. Whenever I'm going to be bored for a weekend: sure, why not play the whole campaign again. I shudder to think of the amount of time I've spent playing this.

I adore this game. I bought the remaster the day it came out in the hopes that my single purchase would inspire a sequel. I'm still holding onto that hope, never say die.

Unquestionably the best party game ever made. The only issue is the impossible task of getting 3-5 friends together who want to sit and play TowerFall in the same place at the same time. God dammit I'm old

Love love love the Netflix port of this game. Got proper hooked for a good wee while and can see myself returning in future.

The tactics are magnificent and every time you lose, it feels like it was your own fault. And it always is.

I don't think this game would have the staying power it has if there weren't so many team options to play with - they're all so interesting and (mostly) equally fun to play as. Shoutout to the one with the giant laser though, all-time MVP

Really blown away by how inventive this game is. Ridiculously simple premise, ridiculously addictive hook. Don't know if I'll go back but I don't think I need to, I still think about how much fun I had with this game occasionally

Still installed on my phone and I'm unsure I'll ever uninstall it. Jeez, what a way to completely lose yourself for half an hour. Simple and addictive and just a delight to see an epileptic nightmare of a screen with thousands of enemies exploding every second.