The vibes of this game are incredible. Blitzing through levels and doing sick tricks with some of the best Sonic music playing in the background, when this game hits it really hits. Unfortunately it also runs into some snags along the way. There are some really lame level gimmicks that break the pace and the bosses are just awful. But at the end of the day this is still a really solid Sonic game.

This game is amazing. The combat feels great and the setting is super cool. My only real complaint is that I dislike the blood vile system. Either you have too many and you can just tank through bosses, or you have too little and you are forced to grind. The difficulty curve is a bit strange. I was stuck on the first area for literal years but once I got out of it the game never felt that hard ever again. The game only being 30 FPS is an issue but I don't really have an eye for that. That being said Bloodborne is a must play for any action game fan.

This game makes me sad. Despite me liking the levels in this game I have zero desire to replay it. Half of the music being bad and the bosses being total slogs really tires me out. What I love about classic Sonic is that I'm always down for another play through but I don't feel that for this game.

I love all of this game's characters. I love the music. And I love the story and how creative it is told. The biggest problem I have with this game is how many times you have to go through the same content in order to get all of the endings. I would consider myself a patient person but playing through the second half of the game 4 times with minimal to no differences is absurd. Overall I love this game but I am in no rush to come back to it.

I had a fun time with this game. The combat is simplistic but pretty fun. The missions are way to repetitive but I can't complain too much considering they are optional. The music and visuals are lovely. But what I really like about this game is to story. It's very hokey, but what really sells it is Zack. For a plot filled with edgy anime nonsense you need a lead like Zack to ground everything. It helps that every character is acted so well. I know people dog on Caleb Pierce but I really like his performance. Overall if you like JRPGs and especially Final Fantasy 7 I'd recommend this game.

I had always thought Yakuza was going to be one of those franchises that I find really cool but could never get into. I tried playing Yakuza 0 years ago and while I could regonize it was a really good game, but I found the combat pretty boring. Fast foward to 2024, since I like RPGs and wanted to buy something from the Steam sale I picked this game up on a whim. I am so happy I did that. The story feels so raw. the combat is fun, the side content feels botomless. I'm glad to have finally beaten a Yakuza game and I'm looking foward to playing Infinite Wealth and going back to 0.

Sonic Colors gets a really bad rep. I belive the reason is that Colors very much does its own thing, different from Unleashed and Generations. And while I do like those games that dosen't make Colors any less good. Sonic Colors is much more focused on platforming and the platforming here is really good. Its hard to recomend Sonic games to people who aren't already Sonic fans, but Sonic Colors is a game I could recomend to just about anyone.

The first half of this game is inoffensive. The controls feel nice and the graphics look great. The thing that kills this game for me is the screen crunch. In a game as fast as Sonic it feels super unsomfortable not being able to see where you're going. This problem gets even worse later in the game where the levels are stuffed with enemies, bottomless pits, and spike traps that you can't see. All of that combined with one of the worst special stages in the franchise makes for a game I don't particularly care for.

It's funny how this game has just as much if not more bad design as the first Sonic Advance, yet I ended up having more fun. Keeping your speed throughout the level is so satisfying that I could see myself coming back to this game.

Critical darlings like Nier: Automata are hard for me to reveiw in retrospect because everything I hear people gush about becomes expected. It's hard to be blown away expecting already expecting something phenomenal. That being said Nier: Automata is just as good as people say. What really stood out to me is the atmosphere and the music. The combat is super fun and chaotic despite the control scheme hurting my hands. The story is just as crazy with some amazing voice acting. This game gets a fat recommendation from me.

It's hard to review a game like this since it's so similar to the 2018 game. But what I can say is that this game is just as good as its predecessor while making some really smart changes. The venom abilities make combat much better while also adding to traversal. If Insomniac was able to make these sorts of improvements in a little side game then I can't wait to see what they do for Spider-Man 2.

This is my favorite Sonic game. I have played it countless times on multiple systems. I love the art style and I love the music. Modern Sonic stages are super fun to speedrun. And even though I don't play them as much the Classic Sonic stages are also really solid. The only real issue I have is that Planet Wisp drags on for too long. It's not a very long game but it is a blast all the way through.

One of the greatest games of all time. The gameplay feels incredibly tight. The music is sublime. The world is fascinating. I genuinely can't think of a single bad thing about this game.

I beat this game months ago and I still don't know how to feel about it. I wasn't miserable while playing it like Sonic Forces but I aside from nice bits of writing and boss fights can't really say I enjoyed it either. If I had to describe this game in one word it would be mindless. Traversing the world feels mindless, the puzzles feel mindless, combat feels mindless. And since the cyberspace levels are worse versions of levels from games I already played they feel mindless as well. Even fully completing the game felt mindless. Even though Sonic Frontiers isn't bad I felt nothing while playing it, which some may think is worse than just being bad.

EDIT: Now that all of the updates have come out I can say that Frontiers is definitely a better game than it used to be. Controls are better, the new cyberspace levels are good and they added some pretty fun platforming challenges. The game is still very janky but if these updates are anything to go by I'm very optimistic for the next Sonic game.