This game is incredibly unique, I love the ways it uses the 4th wall to tell it's story and it's done without feeling forced or cringe. All the characters here are absolutely amazing, this party is one of my favorites and will become one of yours as well. Due to the cute art style the Bazongas aren't that crazy but definitely present with Magnolia, who is a french Ba'al buster from the moon (yes really).

One of the most charming games ever made, if you've seen the bar fight cutscene then you already know this game is peak. It was my introduction to Dragon Quest and made me fall in love with the series. Jessica has possibly the best Bazongas in all of gaming, if you don't believe me look it up, it makes even Tifa cower I'm fear.

One of the most horribly underrated games of all time, I think this game is the pinnacle of SRPGs. The combat just blew my mind, when you pull off a good plan here you feel like a genius. The decision making is also the most impactful I've ever experienced, with some decisions I was left pondering for long periods of time as they all had pros and cons. Game gets bonus points for giving you a wife with pretty nice bazongas right off the bat, but I do think Milo has the best.

Such a beautiful ass game, you just see the world that was lovingly crafted in this beautiful art style and won't stop exploring until you've seen it all. The story here is such a step up too with each character being extremely compelling, my favorites are Osvald, Throne, and Partitio. Throne gets special mention for having incredible Bazongas for a pixel art game, I'll also give a shout out to Agnea's "peaches".

Kingdom Hearts but good. Most bazongas here are underage but the ones that aren't Nomura cooked with.

I love Xenoblade 3 but this DLC surpassed it in my opinion with one of the greatest protagonists and just insane nostalgia. I was immediately brought back to my childhood seeing some of the areas, it's the best payoff fans of the series could have ever asked for. We have some absolutely insane bazongas with the new cat girl Na'el, this kitty could give you enough milk for a whole bowl of honey nut Cheerios.

This game is pure adrenaline with insanely hype ass music and combat. Seriously the combat on high difficulty in this game feels like taking a tab of acid then flooring it 120 MPH on the freeway. Story doesn't slack either with some extremely dark moments and a ending that left me bawling. It's Falcom so you already know you are getting some of the best bazongas in the business, the women here are NOT ashamed to show off some real calcium calamities. Dana Forever!

This is a game I legitimately think everyone should play, fan of JRPGs or not. It's a beautiful story with some of the most charming art and cutscenes in the medium. I adore this game and don't underestimate it because it's cute, this might be the most I've cried to anything ever, even getting me to tear up within the first 30 minutes. I would make a Bazongas joke here but honestly it would just be disrespectful to this masterpiece.

My introduction to the Yakuza series and one of the most unique JRPGS ever made. Ichiban is my favorite character of all time and he really shines here, this is the Ichiban experience. Saeko has some really quality bazongas and there is even optional bazongas with Eri if you do Ichiban Confections.

This game is so awesome, I remember playing the original on a school laptop and having the story blow my mind. I now have played the remake and hady mind blown a second time, peak gaming. If you want some Bazongas on your party make sure to train Lei in the Imperial China chapter, she has some good ones.

This game bros... I still have never played anything that has such interesting lore where I find myself constantly thinking about it and begging for answers. There is also some content that can only be described as terrifying, this game has left me far more unnerved than any horror game. Scherazard has big bazongas and a whip which kept my attention throughout this masterpiece.

This game will remind you why you love games to begin with. Ichiban is a guy who loves life and living, he has inspired me to be a better person irl. Everything from the story that will make you cry multiple times, the music that will instantly go on your Spotify playlists, and the combat that always has you thinking on how to efficiently dispatch enemies is so so good. The bazongas on display are great, many women in bikinis throughout Hawaii.

This is the best Zelda, the game is just so insanely fun to explore with endless possibilities to solve all of its challenges. The bazongas on display are magnificent as well with the largest belonging to the great fairies, those BBWs get me everytime!

This is my favorite Action RPG of all time, I love how badass every character is to play and Motoi Sakuraba never lets me down with the music. Kisara has big bazongas which she uses to tank attacks, this is appreciated.

One of my all time favorite stories in gaming. This game pretty much sparked my love for JRPGs in general and I will forever cherish it. Have to call out the slow battle system however, arguably the least fun in the whole series.