I can see why non-sonic fans (normal people) also like this game. Definitely a must buy DS game. Extremely fun, fast action paced 2D platformer that has high speeds and pure fun. Sonic and Blaze's abilites are fun to use and the boost meter is fun to try keep at it's peak. Bosses are decent and so is the story. If you like fast reaction time based 2D platformers, this game is amazing. W Soundtrack too.


The main thing that puts me off of playing chess is that there is 2000 years of gameplay that hundreds of people with higher IQs than me have spent thousands of hours studying the history of, so much so that when I put a pawn forward they say “ah I see you’re going for the bulgarian somersault” and then i try to take their bishop with my knight and they go “aw, rookie mistake, you’ve played the frenchman’s cumsock, and in approximately 37 moves i’ll have won”.

Boring puzzle game and very forgetful

I'll just get this out of the way, I don't hate sonic cd, in fact I think it is a good game. However I do think that sonic cd is a hugely overrated game.

Story -
While I won't summarize it here, the story of this game is simple yet great, and the animated cutscenes, while low quality - are cute and charming. Not much to say here.

Gameplay -
The actual game plays like your standard classic game, however with one issue I must address for this version - The spindash. It is fucking awful in this game and is borderline useless, so you're basically forced to use the super peel-out .

Levels -
The levels in this game range from Peak to a Mcdonalds Fillet O' Fish (Shit)
Palmtree Panic - Peak and quick fun

Collision Chaos - Stupid fucking bumpers stupid fucking bumpers

Tidal Tempest - slightly better labyrinth zone

Quartz Quadrant - Another peak level

Wacky Workbench - Easily the WORST classic level

Stardust Speedway - Bad level design but still fast fun with a good boss

Metallic Madness - annoying and stupid

The bosses in this game are pathetic, the only good ones are the last two bosses.

Music -
Both soundtracks are amazing and the best thing about this game

Overall -
I think Sonic CD (1993) is a good game however is extremely overrated, and heck if you ask a cd lover if they have played this version, they'll most likely say they haven't. The widescreen versions definitely improve on the shit enemy placement and trap placement. If you wanna play cd nowadays, I'd recommend not playing this version, there isn't much reason to come back to it

(Got all emeralds)
This recreation of sonic 1 from scratch is so fucking awful
Screen Crunch in later levels sucks
The crush deaths in this game are broken
The slowdown is literally present throughout the whole damn game
and worst of all is the physics, you get hit and you go fucking flying and for some reason you keep momentum after hitting a wall.

What the fuck were they thinking?
(oh and special stages suck too who would've thought)


Contender for best mobile game i love playing with my big coc

I only did the main grand prix, but oneday ill return to the mission mode
Either way, this is a very fun racer with tons of Sega Fanservice, definitely a fun lighthearted racing game


Greedy Game owned by a greedy company.

"Sonic had a rough transition into-"
shut the fuck up

This game is amazing and one of sonics best
The story is great for a 1998 platformer, with Gammas story being the most notable

Each gameplay style is unique and while I think the game could still be good if only sonic existed, the other styles are cool too

Sonic - The best gameplay style in this game, controls great, almost all of his levels are amazing

Tails - On the easier side, but still fun

Knuckles - His levels don't feel made for him, but he is still very fun to play as especially in his best level, Red Mountain

Amy - fuck amy she sucks

Big - once you learn to play him, hes aight

Gamma - Amazing gameplay, the whole 3d shooting style is amazing and he has an awesome story

The game has amazing music and the main theme Open your Heart is great.
My main issues with this game are only some game styles and the jank

This game can be janky at times, and thats its main issue, however in my playthrough I didn't experience too many glitches so my playthrough was fine. It really depends from playthrough to playthrough

Overall, I'd recommend this game, it is one of Sonic's best and also one of the best Dreamcast games.

I would like to thank Knuckles for pissing all over my screen
and I would like to thank Tails for shitting all over my screen
Thank you very much, I also put my full legal name and address into this game's high score system because I trust it with my life

This game is an absolute masterpiece. One of the best tower defense games ever made.

On a grid, you plant your plants while zombies approach from the right side of the screen (usually). Each plant has varying sun costs, which is this games way of planting down plants. Sun drops from the sky but also from certain plants like Sunflowers.

There are 5 worlds in the main campaign, each offering something unique. At night, sun won't drop from the sky. In the pool, 2 lanes are covered by water. In the fog, fog covers up a significant portion of the screen. In the roof, you'll need catapult plants and pot plants to carry you to victory.

The pacing is great, you get 1 new plant per level, and fight 1 new zombie every 2 levels. It really gives you a chance to try out every new plant and build your own strategy. The final boss, while not challenging is still a great end to the game, and upon beating the game you'll unlock a harder campaign in which Crazy Dave will give you 3 pre-selected plants to use.

There are also minigames and puzzles. Minigames are one off (or sometimes 2) levels with a unique gimmick and some of these can be extremely fun. They also reward you with money which can be used to buy from the shop. Puzzles are a set of two playstyles with multiple levels.
I, Zombie and Vasebreaker, each contain their own fun and can be really cool to play after playing the usual levels. Theres also a survival mode where you fight off waves of zombies, while being able to select what plants you use between waves.

The Zen Garden is a way to make money, and throughout the game you'll get more plants for the Zen garden.

This game also has achievements, some are great fun, but some are RNG HELL.

Regardless, if you haven't for some reason tried out this game, do it. It is one of the best videogames ever made.

Amazing roster with tons of fan service and extremely fun racing and game modes.
Shame the open world was cut but the core game is still fun and it looks great

The maps are very fun and while many of the early maps are too open, the later ones are much better with sharper turns and the like.
I wish this game had a better story, the opening cutscene makes you think it'll have one but there really isn't one.
It's very fun to play in multiplayer

Before Sonic Origins , This was the best way to play Sonic CD. The added features are great, and having the game in widescreen is very good. There are a couple visual and gameplay differences, some positive and some negative.
I'd say this is better than the original Sega CD version, but not Origins Plus as that adds Knuckles, Amy and the Drop-dash into the game.

My usual opinion of Sonic CD stays the same though, still being a game I consider good, but my least favourite classic Sonic game.
Yes, I think this game gets it's dick ridden too much, it's not the best Sonic game.

(Played using Nintendo Switch Online NES)
This game honestly just sucks. Enemy placements are horrendous, the boss battles aren't fun at all. The controls also suck, the car is slippery and during later sections of the game you climb on walls and at the final area of the game you just ram into spikes that do like a million damage it sucks its terrible. The game stinks don't play it

(Completed on both Playstation 4 and 100% on Steam)

Out of the trilogy, this one definitely needed the remake the most and it pays off. So many kinks and quirks are cleaned up and the game looks and plays great too. You could play the original one, however if you're going for 100% please play this version.

Stormy Ascent is also my favourite sadistic pleasure