Glory to Arstotzka!

(this game is amazing, Glory to Arstotzka)

Sonic pulls creatures out his ass

(update 3)
amy, tails and knuckles dont pull creatures out their ass....sad

Peak Mario at its finest. Didn't age well but still peak

Sonic Riders is an amazing racing game and the best sonic related thing to come out of 2006

Everything in this game is just amazing, the music is an absolute banger

Having 3 types like in sonic heroes was a surprise, but I do like the shortcuts each type can take and it makes me wanna try out different characters on different tracks

The types of extreme gear are really cool, as well as the whole game just being cool asf

The main racing mode is excellent, mission mode is just okay and the other modes are fun distractions. I just wish this game taught you how to play it, as at the start it can be a bit hard to understand but once you play more you'll enjoy it more.

Easily one of if not THE best Sonic racing game

Sonic Unleashed (Which I'll refer to as Unwiished from now on) is a port of Sonic Unleashed from the 360 and PS3 however the game is vastly different compared to that game.

The HD versions of this game are some of my favorite sonic games ever, however this version I think is definitely worse in almost everyway.

Presentation - The actual plot of the game hasn't changed and the cutscenes in this version have highly compressed video quality. The hub worlds have also been cut in favour for a simple selection screen where you can talk to villagers, and go to a shrine allowing you to access levels. I personally prefer the hub worlds though this isn't the worse change in the world.

Graphics - in this version are significantly worse in this version which is understandable considering this is the Wii, and I wouldn't say this version looks awful or anything, it looks fine. Though sonic's model does look strange.

Gameplay - So they decided to just cut two whole areas out of this game, Savannah Citadel and Skyscraper Scamper. The egg beetle from Savannah citadel is in the game but the levels have been cut. The Gaia Gates serve as your way to get into levels and while I miss the hub worlds these aren't bad either. One positive change are the way Sun and Moon medals work in this version. Instead of having to physically collect them, they are rewarded to you by simply getting high ranks on stages which is vastly better than having to try find medals in the HD version.

Daytime - The day stages in this game are quite good. They are split up into 1 main act and 2 smaller missions which are usually collecting a certain amount of rings or beating a level in a certain amount of time. Dimps did a good job at level design as these levels don't feel unfair and even feel somewhat more accessible than the HD versions. However I do think Sonic controls a bit bad in some ways. While I do think the drift is better in this version, the actual boosting feels worse and sonics high speed control is awkward. Overall though the daytime levels are great and you can have some good fun with them.

Nighttime - Similarly to the HD versions, I do think the nighttime levels where you play as the Werehog aren't as good as the daytime stages. In fact these levels are what really brought the game down from being 'Great' to just 'Good' I do enjoy the platforming aspects of the werehog albeit even if the werehogs controls feel a bit too sensitive sometimes. However these levels will like to just throw hordes of annoying enemies at you when they run out of good platforming segments. These enemies are extremely annoying as some fly around like the wasps which are annoying to hit, or the wizard enemies that will teleport when you get near them. I did feel that the moveset of the werehog isn't as good as the HD version and so the combat in this game feels repetitive. The worse part is unlike day stages that have 1 main act and 2 smaller missions, the nighttime stages have a minimum of 3 FULL ACTS! These can drag on for like 5 minutes and the worst part is that while playing through Shamar and Adabat, they make you play a total of 8 nighttime stages in a row, making it feel so boring and repetitive seeing as these stages don't have unique set pieces that really drag you in into thinking you're playing a different level. The worst is eggmanland which is no longer a gauntlet but rather 5 werehog stages in a row.

Bosses - The boss fights in this game range from Bad to Pretty Good. I do think the Eggman boss battles were fun but the Dark enemy battles were just annoying simply because you are the werehog. The Egg Dragoon is pretty easy but still a fairly fun fight. The final boss is pretty good too

Overall, I think this version of Unleashed is good, not bad, not great but it is good. There is no reason to play this game over the HD version unless you wanna give Unwiished a try. The day stages are fun but night stages are boring and repetitive as well as being worse than the HD werehog stages.

If you're into tennis and sadistic torture, this game is for you!
In all seriousness, this is a charming little tennis game that unfortunately gets ruined by having some of the most unfair missions in any sport game, seriously these missions get on my damn nerves.

Most of the time, the game can be kind of enjoyable, but then you get those oddball missions that just make you want to pull your hair out
This game is bad , honestly don't really waste your time unless you're really into sega crossovers and like tennis...for some reason

Basically take all the things I said about SA1, but the game is only slightly worse.

I played the Gamecube release emulated, and yes it does have many many visual downgrades, its still SA1 making it still an amazing game. Only downsides of this version are the visual downgrades and it being a bit more janky/buggy. I'd still recommend either the DC version or the modded steam release.

Sonic Runners is a great mobile game with tons of fan service and great music. The artstyle is very charming. Though playing through the main story can get very repetitive. I'd recommend this game to anyone who wants a fun endless runner to play while they're bored, especially if you like sonic

As a mentally deranged sonic fan I literally had to play Sonic the Hedgehog (06) someday, so yeah i eventually did. This game has so many different opinions surrounding it, it's kind of crazy lol. Here's my take on this technical disaster.

Story - 5/10
I am not a huge fan of this game's story, and while I don't think its bad, its kind of just decent. I like how you get to see the other perspective of a characters story, but it's still not a great story overall. Things just happen for no reason because the writers said so. Like Elise just walking out of a random door and so happening to see Amy or Elise getting captured every 6 minutes. Some characters just act dumb. I'm also not really a fan of Sonic and Elise's relationship, it just comes off as weird to me.

Presentation - 7/10
This game looks pretty nice for an early Xbox 360 game, and some levels like Tropical Jungle look really nice. I like this games Hud and Menus too, i think they look good. The in-engine cutscenes have really weird animations and some voice lines are delivered very oddly. Overall this game does have a good presentation.

Gameplay -
The gameplay is split up into 3 stories and a final story. Sonic, Shadow and Silver. Within each story, you fight bosses, do missions, can get specific upgrades for each character and will have their own story. There are 3 hub worlds, but they're all very annoying to navigate. And the characters move so slow it's not fun to move around these.

Sonic's Gameplay - 8/10
Sonic's gameplay is really fun. He has some great levels and some AMAZING levels like Kingdom Valley and Crisis City. His homing attack has a bit of delay which can ruin the flow, and his spindash is honestly useless. I find his combat to be pretty alright too. His gem upgrades you can buy are completely broken because the Devs forgot how to code a bloody depleting bar, so you can easily cheese levels. You'll also have to play as Tails and Knuckles. Tails is slow as hell though I find Knuckles to be pretty decent.

Shadows Gameplay - 8/10
I find Shadows gameplay to be very similar to Sonics, and so I also find him very fun. He has a bigger focus on combat, which can be a bit repetitive but it is not slow and isn't bad. His upgrades are pretty useless, and I'm not a fan of most of his bosses, especially the final battle which I heavily dislike. You also play as Rouge who is like a combination of Tails and Knuckles, and she is decent but her solo stage is bad. Omega however I do find to be pretty fun, he isn't as good as his heroes gameplay but I still enjoy him.

Silvers Gameplay - 4/10
Fuck Silver. His combat is slow, boring and repetitive. His levels are filled with stupid gimmicks and enemy spam. He does have some pretty decent and even good levels, but most of the time his levels just get repetitive. You just throw stuff at enemies and get hit over and over and over. and you find yourself trying to skip chunks of the level as much as possible. 06
Amy is also the worst gameplay style in any sonic game and is just terrible. The only redeeming part about this story is Blaze, as she plays like sonic with a double jump and fire spin, and is extremely fun to play as.

The final boss has a pretty rancid first phase though I do like the second phase. Having all three characters go super is pretty cool.

Sadly, this game is riddled with bugs and frustrating moments. It's an actual disaster. I mean the overpowered Gems don't even work since their bar never depletes. Silver's throwing attack is very glitchy and sometimes stuff will just fly around. The game DOESNT AUTOSAVE. What game in 2006 doesn't autosave. I played on an emulator called Xenia so it wasn't that bad, but this game loads so much it's annoying.

I do think Sonic 06 does get overhated, but honestly I can see why many people despise this game. I also think this game gets glazed and people meatride this game to death. This is not the peak of Sonic whatsoever, it's a technical disaster and I have no clue how people can like this more than most other mainline sonic games. I wish this game had no bugs and was actually functional, and they thought out Silver's gameplay more as I feel it really drags the game down. The game feels half-baked caked with a shitstain on it. This game is objectively bad, but for me personally I'd say this game is "Good", but its close to being lower, and if I had to replay this game again my opinion could change. There are parts of this game that are genuinely fun like Sonic and Shadows story, but man do I just not like Silver and Christ the bugs are annoying. This game took a giant shit on the sonic franchise. Go play the superior 2006 video game; Wii Sports.

Final Rating - 6.5/10.

rare chance of a mobile game being high quality

this game fun as hell you just fall and shit yippe!

This review was written before the game released

Funny soccer racing game
It's fun and the mechanics are good plus the customizable are really cool
too bad you have to pay for like 75% of them or pray to RNG God

so, were in copper. im gonna have to ask you to, rotate around the objective.

Cardiac, sensor deployed