Played, got my ass beat for like a month, then stopped playing.

The story was stupendous, some of the boss battles made my hair stand but I found the combat extremely boring at times.

This was my first Resident Evil game and one of my first PlayStation 5 games which I obtained long before the console itself. One day I found it lying on the floor of my uncle's car and when I called him about it he just said "Ah... it's yours" so that was nice. The environments in the game were pretty cool and I loved how the pressure of the triggers changed depending on what weapon you used.

I played a little bit of it and it did not keep me invested enough to keep going. The concept and gameplay of this game aren't exactly things I dislike so I might go back to it at some point.

I remember playing this with my brothers as one of the first games we bought when we got a PS4 during our first Christmas in the United States. Very fond memories.

Pretty cool Dragon Ball. The combat wasn't very impressive but this is probably the best a story mode in a Dragon Ball game has ever looked. I loved fighting as Future Gohan and the extra story segments that were added.

Absolutely loved this game as a child. I'll never forget the night my father saw me playing Super Sonic Warriors 2 and told me how the daughter of a friend at work had a better Dragon Ball game with many more characteres. I didn't believe him until he brought back my DS with a bunch of new anime games including this one. Must have replayed it like 3 times even though it was all in Japanese. Amazing game and it is astonishing how they got it to run on the DS (albeit a bit poorly at times).

When I was a child in Venezuela, my parents would often take me to "Los Chinos" a small store owned by Chinese immigrants that appeared to have everything in existence; everything including knock-off consoles. It was through one of these that I got to experience Super Mario Bros; the first game I have the memory of playing.

I initially played this game for Tifa and how attractive she was but what awaited me in this game wasn't just an attractive girl but an amazing experience. This was my introduction to Final Fantasy as a whole and I became so hooked that I ended up playing the original to finish the story. Best decision ever.

Really fun game. While the graphics were better on the first one (at least in my opinion) the different mechanics added made for a better gameplay experience.

There is nothing I can say about this game that hasn't been said already. Despite its outdated graphics and controls it is a masterpiece. I urge everyone to play through it at least once in their life.

Played for the waifus. It was okay.

Mario Odyssey was one of the first games I played when I received my Nintendo Switch and at the time it was a fun, magical experience. The music was nice and the levels exciting but my tastes have changed recently so I don't see myself going back.

I remember playing a bit of it as a kid and being confused by the mechanics. I was more used to the other fughting Dragon Ball games than this one's beat 'em up approach.

I played it on my PlayStation 2 as a kid and had lots of fun. I remember being impressed by the webs remaining stuck on walls after you shot them.