Came for the ass, stayed for the story.

One of the best and most challenging games I've ever played. That last fight against Sword Saint Isshin was pure insanity.

It was an alright game but I think I unreasonably expected more from it.

Solid game but I would have probably enjoyed it more if I hadn't been so desperate to get the perfect, true ending and followed a guide on my first playthrough.

This game is solid but made me realize I might have outgrown Lego games.

I played this one on a PSP emulator and loved it. Zack's story is amazing and its significance to the FF7 story overall despite him only appearing for 5 minutes in the original is astonishing.

I initially played this game for Tifa and how attractive she was but what awaited me in this game wasn't just an attractive girl but an amazing experience. This was my introduction to Final Fantasy as a whole and I became so hooked that I ended up playing the original to finish the story. Best decision ever.

I liked this game slightly less than the first one. I wish they had made this version of Miles a better character like how he was in Into the Spider-Verse.

Although I do not hold as many fond, childhood memories with this game it was still pretty cool. I like how my custom character from the first game came back and the game even gave me his clothes and some of his techniques. Pretty cool game.

This was one of the first games I played when I got my PlayStation 5 and one the greatest games I've ever played. The story is simply amazing and the attention to detail is insane. Also, high karma ending is the best.

This was my first Resident Evil game and one of my first PlayStation 5 games which I obtained long before the console itself. One day I found it lying on the floor of my uncle's car and when I called him about it he just said "Ah... it's yours" so that was nice. The environments in the game were pretty cool and I loved how the pressure of the triggers changed depending on what weapon you used.

I still remember the feeling of saving up for this game's release and starting it once I got home from buying it. The intro scene remains one of my favorites in any Spider-Man media and the swinging is unmatched.

Fallout 4 was my first Fallout game and I enjoyed it a lot when I first tried it. The writing as I see it now, pales in comparison to New Vegas but the gun play is quite nice.

This one was one of the games I first played on my PlayStation 4. Sadly, it is also one of the ones I've outgrown and probably would not play again.

Might get back to it eventually, if not I'll drop it.