280 reviews liked by Typh

First of all, let's start by saying that this game is optimized like shit. And runs like shit even on modern phones.
Downoalding all resources to make the game run slightly better requires around 10 gb of storage, something that should be ILLEGAL for a mobile game that plays like a visual novel with stiff pngs of characters being the whole center of gameplay.
The loading times are also really slow. Like, really. Just opening or closing a menu can take 30 seconds. And that's something you would want to avoid in a game that's, well, 90% mades of menus.
Seriously, this is probably one of the worst examples of optimization I've ever seen in a game. So much for japanese devs being good at it...

As for the rest of the game, I think it really has some potential, but ultimately it's nothing different than millions of others gacha games on mobile. The gameplay is really simple (even if it has some good ideas, like the QTEs or being able to phisically throw items at enemies like in the main games) and the power scaling between units rarities is abyssal (the highest rarity being UR, followed by KSR, SSR and then SR), something that's even more underlined by the low resources the game gives to the player.

I can't say much about the story if not that's a... bizzarre case. Basically, they used the new character Ichiban as the main protagonist for the first half of the game, giving more dept to both Kamurocho and its side characters, just to throw it out of the window by retconning the whole game as non-canon in order to reuse Ichiban as the main protagonist of the new Yakuza mainline game two years later.
Playing the story ultimately feels pointless, to the point where I stopped caring about it and, as a result, the game lost even more meaning to me.
The second half of the story is based on Ryuji Goda's travelling around Japan before the events of Yakuza 1 and 2, but that's also not canon so why bother.
The third new chapter recently added is mostly a retelling of Yakuza Kiwami story, or so I've heard.

There's a lot of side activities, of course, such as the Cabaret Club and the Baseball minigame straight out of the mainline games, something that I actually really appreciated.
There's also the possibility to join a family (Majima, Saejima or Dojima), but that's mostly a different way to gain resources rather than actually exploring a new side of the game.

The art is just UGLY.
Like, I would have loved for RGG Studios to use the same style they used for Kizuna instead of just mashing together a more realistic style for males and then going full anime for females and some male side characters. Those two styles are just TOO different and do not mix well together at all.
I felt like watching one of those "ugly bastards" shit while seeing an ugly realistic goon NPC talking with a 16 yo anime girl.

Ultimately, the game has some interesting points, but the pros are not enough to balance all the negative or just boring stuff this game offers.
I really do not recommend this game unless you're DESPERATE for new Like a Dragon content; but even then, you must understand at least a little japanese to play this, so probably no one would be encouraged to do it.

This game advertises itself as a unique puzzle game with an interesting story. What that means in reality is worse candy crush with extra text boxes. The fantasy setting found within this game is extremely generic and uninspired, the story is very bare-bones, and the gameplay is not much better than most mobile games.

The game's combat system often feels somewhat poorly thought out and unfair towards both you and your enemy. Based completely off of luck, whoever gets the first turn in each battle can instantly a significant amount of damage before the enemy can do anything about it at all. Since the puzzle grid used for combat in this game is randomized, it essentially just encourages the player to constantly restart every battle until they get a grid that is favourable to them. Falling blocks are also completely random, so sometimes if your enemy makes a mediocre play the game will just randomly reward them by giving them 20 combos in a row and eliminating half your health bar. You do have the ability level up your attack damage and defence, but this only really slightly lessens the problems with the combat system, rather than fixing them.

Puzzle Quests story is probably one of the most cliche fantasy stories I have ever seen. There is genuinely nothing interesting or unique to be found here. It consists of watching two sprites exchanging extremely boring and basic pieces of dialogue in generic text boxes over and over again. To me it just feels like a marketing gimmick slapped on to a mediocre puzzle game.

I really wanted to like Puzzle Quest because the premise sounded very interesting to me, so its quite a shame how it turned out. I feel like this concept could actually have worked quite well if a bit more effort was put into it, but this game (at least the DS version) stumbles in its execution on nearly every level.

God(and two friends) as my witness, I tried here. But it wouldn't stop crashing. Two different emulators. Three different ROMs from different regions. Hours of tinkering with settings. I'm not fucking dusting out my DS just to play this. Moving on!

(Even if it did work, you could not convince me to spend more than half an hour on a game that looks like this, sounds like this, and writing that immediately assaults me with Amy Rose's new boyfriend Dexter. There's NOTHING to see here. It wasn't even made in house.)

Now, imagine if Sonic ever got an RPG...

Doesn't innovate or offer anything new, but this is a COD arena shooter in 2024 that is completely free, will feature content drops that will also be free, is ONLY like 32 gb's, and has crossplay.

I mean, kinda a score there, as this offers a pretty solid alternative to COD, it lacks the polish and fine-tuning of COD's gunplay and level design, but it resolves a lot of the problems I currently have with COD to make it worth keeping downloaded and playing from time to time.

Eu gosto muito de títulos. Para mim, uns dos melhores são uma declaração de intenção - a carta proposta inicial de sua razão artística. Jogos que possuem nomes brandos como este tem uma missão díficil. Por qual lente Civilization representa uma civilização? Com um título destes, Humanity promete, de certa forma, tudo.

Como um puzzler, achei extremamente competente - consegui completar todos os puzzles e todos os bônus sem olhar nenhum guia. Sua natureza em constante fluxo requer adaptação em tempo real e um ciclo muito sedutor de ficar aplicando correções e receber feedback imediato do resultado. Às vezes, foca em ser um jogo de ação, e nesses momentos não joga tanto por seus fortes. Ainda assim, sabe misturar gêneros muito bem: em seus melhores momentos, é uma mistura de puzzler e um RTS que recompensa a criatividade do jogador.

Vindo do pessoal por trás de Tetris Effect, não é surpresa alguma a apresentação ao mesmo tempo eficiente e magnífica. Animações inidivualmente simples são multiplicadas pelo efeito das manadas, e a manipulação dessas massas representa alguns dos efeitos visuais mais marcantes que vi recentemente. A trilha sonora me deixa totalmente em casa: minimalismo eletrônico é o tipo de música que amo para me colocar em foco, e também me emociona em como brinca com periodicidade e pequenos momentos explosivos - o quebrar de ondas de um mar imprevisível.

Humanity é a poesia do fluxo. Uma abstração das forças que regem nossa vida, inúmeros movimentos invisíveis capazes de mover bilhões - do introspectivo e espiritual à placas de trânsito ou linhas desenhadas no chão ou em um mapa. Um jogo que se alcunha desta forma obviamente não consegue generalizar tudo, e o caminho pelo qual ele analisa a humanidade é este do direcionamento, do vai e vêm de massas imprevisíveis, do pastoreio necessário para construir algo.

Uma DLC que é quase um jogo novo da série de tanto conteúdo que tem, maravilhoso como eles pegaram conteudo do jogo original que pareciam ter sido cortado do remake e colocaram aqui de forma sublime, as lutas de chefes são desafiadoras e divertidas, fazendo com que essa DLC supere em alguns momentos o jogo base.

Eu voltei recentemente nesse pra fazer 100% com todas as missões no rank S e os três finais. E vou te contar que essa é a melhor maneira possivel de aproveitar todas as nuances fodas do combate desse jogo, talvez seja um dos jogos com mais estilos diferentes e interessantes de combate que já joguei na vida, vale muito a pena explorar o que esse jogo tem pra oferecer.

Esse jogo me proporcionou o momento mais emocionante que tive com videogames esse ano, além de ser o mais bonito e charmoso também, e a trilha sonora? De arrepiar todos os pelos do corpo. UMA OBRA PRIMA!



Review PT-BR / English

X-Men: Primeiro Arcade

Sou fanzasso dos X-Men e não poderia perder a chance de jogar o primeiro arcade/beat ´n up que saiu deles lá em 1992, E oque eu posso dizer do jogo??? Bom....o jogo é legalzinho, da pra se divertir por meia horinha(extremamente curto), mas achei que por ser um jogo da Konami famosa na época por seus Beat ´N Ups das tartarugas ninjas ele é bem fraquinho, os graficos são bons mas não são lá o primor da época, a trilha sonora é totalmente esquecivel, e os personagens apesar de ter uma boa variedade(podemos escolher entre Ciclope, Wolverine, Colossus, Noturno, Tempestade e Cristal) cada um com seus poderes especiais unicos são basicos demais, consistindo em alguns movimentos bem genericos e repetidos de socos e chutes, a historia é totalmente esquecivel tambem sendo o velho embate entre os X-Men e a Irmandade dos Mutantes liderada por Magneto. Em resumo....um jogo legalzinho, mas só isso.
English review

X-Men: First Arcade

I'm a huge fan of the X-Men and couldn't miss the chance to play their first arcade/beat 'em up that came out back in 1992. And what can I say about the game? Well... it's kind of fun, you can enjoy it for about half an hour (extremely short), but I thought that for a game by Konami, famous at the time for their Ninja Turtles beat 'em ups, it's quite weak. The graphics are good but not top-notch for the time, the soundtrack is completely forgettable, and the characters, although having a good variety (we can choose between Cyclops, Wolverine, Colossus, Nightcrawler, Storm, and Dazzler), each with their unique special powers, are too basic, consisting of some very generic and repetitive punch and kick moves. The story is also totally forgettable, being the old clash between the X-Men and the Brotherhood of Mutants led by Magneto. In summary... a decent game, but that's about it.

jogo delicinha, port perfeito!! Nixxes é foda