one of the few good single player shooter campaigns in the last few years, gets a bit same-y after a while though.

Playing the campaign with the arcade modes is way better.

Best platformer I've played (Celeste a VERY close second)

SSd every official level including Yotta Difficult. Probably one of the hardest things in video games I've done.

it plays the exact same as dark souls 1 but with better bosses and worse level design

Why didn't they make dlc for this???????

Oh! We have our pockets full, We poets, of love-letters, writ to Chloes, Daphnes — creations of our noddle-heads. Our lady-loves, — phantasms of our brains, — Dream-fancies blown into soap-bubbles! Come! Take it, and change feigned love-words into true; I breathed my sighs and moans haphazard-wise; Call all these wandering love-birds home to nest. You'll see that I was in these lettered lines, — Eloquent all the more, the less sincere! — Take it, and make an end!

This game played so well for it's time. The level design doesn't fully use all of the possible movement you can do in the game though.

some rom-hacks would really get 5 stars from me for this reason.

vanilla is fucking boring the game's amazing with mods though

As my first megaten game it's still one of my favorites tbh.
Like the feeling of dread you get in the game through the lockdown are super nice.

Gameplay is quite unbalanced but it's still satisfying enough, difficulty until the endgame is perfect. New game plus is super boring though.

Gameplay additions like demon compendium are nice I guess but really not needed, and is honestly kind of a noob trap. It's way cheaper to just fuse a demon through the demon auction again!

you'd be surprised how slow the original DS version is. it takes like 5-10 seconds for units to move. Actual thoughts on overclocked tbh.

This game is the only game that managed to get touch screen combat right, as well as making a game perfect for the ds in general.

Kinda wish the re-releases weren't worse though, final mix should've been on wii u smh

Still only beat black eagles and I'm halfway through golden deer.

One of the few fire emblem games with interesting lore. Some of the storytelling itself can be meh (telling stuff instead of showing mainly) but overall it's still good, especially for FE standards.

Kinda wish the combat was faster though. A lot of the menuing in it is way slower than it should be, idk why the bloody GBA games are faster than this.

When I replayed this entire series before the kh3 release this game really stood out as special. Gameplay-wise it really isn't the best in the series but the atmosphere and story really have no match.

was the most fun I've had in video games for the first 10-20 hours, the rest of the game bores me