Really enjoyed this as a 10 year old. One of the first turn based strategy games I played. I liked the art style, the variety of companions and the ability to cultivate small advantages in blocking and attacking through timing

Mindblowing game when I played it back in the 90s as a young kid. I remember not knowing how to get some of the stars and asking friends at school back in a time when you couldn't just look the answer up online. The platforming and maneuvreability of Mario was excellent but I recall the camera angles sometimes being akward

Played it in the 90s and it was a very good platformer with alot of charm

Had great fun with my pals on this back in the day. A classic

Was a solid, enjoyable platformer in its time

Best played with 3 friends. Mini games have good variety but overall theres a fair amount of RNG

Put many hours into this as a kid. Amazing game at the time

Can't believe kid me bought this and not any of the Zelda titles. Basic puzzle game

From memory an unnoteworthy game which at the time was a chance to experience pokemon in 3D

I remember this being a fun 3D platformer with lots of content and having the ability to play as a number of the Donkey Kong cast

My Mario bias had me picking up whatever was available. This was actually a very good 4 player game as a young kid at the time

Fun, colourful multiplayer upgrade to my Mario Party

The OG of 2D platformers. My first ever game

Loved Donkey Kong. Loved the jungle vibes and had a good soundtrack

Had such a cool atmosphere and like the first a classic soundtrack