Loved Donkey Kong. Loved the jungle vibes and had a good soundtrack

A game I found quite challenging and had always intended to return to having only spent a couple of hours playing. The high difficulty level and style of combat are bit offputting to me personally

The ending isn't the awful experience you'd be led to believe its just a 'meh' ending for a trilogy which was excellent

Played it in the 90s and it was a very good platformer with alot of charm

The OG of 2D platformers. My first ever game

Put many hours into this as a kid. Amazing game at the time

A massive title in gaming history no doubt but I found it quite clunky and frustrating on the 3DS and had to save scum it to beat it. I don't think it holds up anywhere near as well as Super Mario Bros 3 or Super Mario World which I find much easier to revisit in current day

Was blown away in '06 by this game. Enjoyed the online too despite the connection issues

Playing this co-op as a kid probably elevated it in my mind as a much better game than it actually was

Really enjoyed this as a 10 year old. One of the first turn based strategy games I played. I liked the art style, the variety of companions and the ability to cultivate small advantages in blocking and attacking through timing

Going from everything being red to having coloured sprites and a health bar that changed colour was so much more pleasing to the eye

Real front runner of a FPS/Adventure at the time. Gamecube must play

Had great fun with my pals on this back in the day. A classic

Had such a cool atmosphere and like the first a classic soundtrack