32 Reviews liked by Utawarerumono

Parece um jogo muito bom, mas persona 5 e melhor e o jogo e muito inferior mecanicamente o que me fez acabar ficando sem vontade de jogar pela tartarus ser repetitiva pra caralho.

This is a review entry for base Genshin Impact, so Mondstadt and the core gameplay. Backloggd has entries for most of the updates, so I will review specific story expansions and other updates in those.

Genshin Impact is a game that is next to impossible to discuss with nuance on the Internet. A vast majority of the discussion is between terminal gacha addicts in denial and people who often haven't played it at all doing the "ok Genshin Impact fan xD" bit, with little in-between. Some of this stuff is blatantly disingenuous, which you can see with some reviews here, or whenever there is a mention of the game in a videogame community. One major example of this would be the "Genshin is pedo" half-joke, even though Genshin does something that I think frankly the overwhelming majority of other gacha, anime, manga anime-styled JRPGs and visual novels don't have the decency to do, and that's not sexualise young-looking characters. I won't pretend that Mihoyo/Hoyoverse mind if they get money from someone like that, especially considering the amount of Klee ads, but the game itself is extremely non-sexualised with adult characters, let alone younger ones. Something like F/GO or Blue Archive is far more indulgent in such things. There was no point in Genshin's story that has made me uncomfortable with something like that in my three years of playing it on and off. The fanbase is another matter, of course, there is no use pretending that there aren't some weird people there, like in most anime-adjacent media fanbases.

With that out of the way, this review will attempt to capture my thoughts on the base game, as a video game.

Genshin's visuals and music are amazing. It feels like I am on an adventure every step of the way. It looks better than most singleplayer anime-styled games, even in its mobile version. The characters and environments look consistently great. Combining various skills and ults leads to some very cool fights. The cutscenes are top-notch, too. The music and visual aesthetic vary from region to region, which is something I appreciate. Mondstadt, Dragonspine aside, is the most boring region, and also first in the story, but it has its own atmosphere. The world building is really good in this game, by the way, you get to know a lot about every region and how its people live, and they all feel distinctly different, rather than a generic European high fantasy inspired setting that you see in a lot of anime-related and JRPG media. There are some really good boss themes, too. Mondstadt's storyline wasn't anything special, but it was fun for what it was. The story definitely picks up in following regions (in the early portions of the story the Traveller still has Paimon speak and think for them instead of being an actual character), which I'll get to in future reviews.

The core gameplay is fun. Combining attacks to make elemental reactions with various characters (put a bit of fire into a tornado, now it's a flame tornado, or stand on top of water and shoot a tornado, it's now a water tornado), as well as character specifics, like grouping enemies with Anemo characters, are cool. The problem becomes that the enemies get damage sponges sometimes, but it doesn't bother me for the most part.

Some of the gameplay systems are frustrating. I hate the "this character is somewhere else in another quest, do it first before continuing the one you actually want!" mechanic. Getting artifacts is very luck-based, so if you care about getting the most out of your characters, you'll end up grinding for hours. Personally, I never cared about artifacts much, so I do like 30-60 minutes per character and just use the best things I have (though my life being easy ever since the early portions of the game may be partially attributed to rolling Diluc early on). I also don't really care about the FOMO or the gacha grind aspects since I have too much media that I want to get to outside of Genshin and mostly have all the characters I'd want. So if you're like me and don't care about the Abyss or whatever and mostly focus on the story/gameplay/exploration aspect, this is a very fun game. The co-op aspect makes exploration even more fun, giving your friend(s) a lift with Venti or something is really nice.

There is a reason why I keep coming back to this, despite my RPG videogame burnout, and that it's just comfortable; it just works. After my initial gacha addict phase years ago and my subsequent break, I've been coming back mostly for the story and to have a few game sessions with friends. The convenience of it is something that is unparalleled. I have my saves sync across multiple platforms, it has a far more frequent content release schedule than any other game I've played (including MMOs; looks like the exploitative gacha system was good for something), and it's just enjoyable in almost every aspect now that I play it casually and don't feel FOMO urges for it. The detail and love and care put into this game is undeniable. It helps that it feels like an actual videogame instead of what other live service games have, which in my opinion are less enjoyable combat mechanics.

Despite some things in Act 3, I totally love this game. While I don't think it's as good as Kuro no Kiseki, It's still a great sequel, and I love the greater focus on characters. The Kuro Cast was already one of my favorites, but with this game, the characters grew even more on me. 
The gameplay was also fantastic, and I really liked the additions to the battle system.
Overall, I can say that while Kuro no Kiseki II isn't perfect, I still really love this game, and I think the good parts definitely outweigh the bad parts of the game. The Calvard Arc is certainly my favorite Kiseki/Trails Arc, and I'm eagerly excited to see how it continues. 

This game is FUCKING CRAZY. I was skeptical over whether they'd top Sky the 3rd yet they somehow did.

I don't know how they did it, they somehow made three back-to-back 5-star, 10/10 games. This has NEVER happened to me in another series, even my favourites.

It's extremely emotional, the artstyle is awesome, it's fun to play (the small gameplay additions compared to Zero are appreciated), the characters are all awesome, they throw so many twists at you, the likes of which I haven't been this affected by since finishing my top 10 favourites across all media, that you can't help but binge. The backtracking is some of the least tedious in the entire genre from what I've seen. This is one of the closest things I've seen to perfection, from concept to execution, in my life. My only actual complaint is that the difficulty curve is kind of unreasonable in the last few fights of the game, but who cares, it was really hype.

And oh my GOD, the music... Trails already secured its place as #1 in terms of OST, beating Umineko, but this is on a whole other level. You have so many bangers, like the Azure Arbitrator or Mystic Core, but they're far from the only ones.

In terms of favourites, I'd place it around Utawarerumono 3. It's just that good.

I will be slowing down with my Trails binging and going through Cold Steel at a more leisurely pace so that I don't burn out but... wow, I'm definitely a fan.

Trails in the Sky is a great RPG, the story is really nice, and I especially loved the characters. I think the characters were even one of the best parts of this game, along with the worldbuilding, which is fantastic. Estelle is also a great protagonist; I really loved her! Not to mention the wonderful soundtrack of this game. I'm really excited to play Trails in the Sky SC and the whole Trails series.

I feel kinda bad cuz on one hand when the game is good its really good, some of the tracks are almost top tier Falcom, I like all the party members and Adol had some great content here. On the other hand I just don't care anymore man, it felt cumbersome playing through the last stretch of the game, this game is not for me.

stand back Ashley, this Resident is getting Evil

title doesn't lie, you can eat a snake.

The author had the knife and the cheese in his hands, but he stuck the knife in his ass and threw away the cheese.
Well, I didn't hate the game at all. It's just frustrating how he didn't take advantage of a plot that had everything to be great


Uma das melhores introduções de um jogo que já vi e o melhor gameplay da trilogia, ótima progressão em relação a itens e upgrades, porém, ainda sofre com a repetição de inimigos e sessões exageradamente difíceis, de forma injusta, pois o jogo só enche a tela de inimigos, já as boss battles são incríveis em sua maioria, apesar de algumas serem decepcionantes ou bugadas (to falando de você, Hermes.). Outro problema são os puzzles, em sua grande maioria não têm muita inspiração, isso nunca foi o forte de GOW, não sei porque insistem.

A narrativa fecha o arco do Kratos de forma excelente, principalmente no end game, maravilhoso, só não tanko o Kratos se importar tanto com a Pandora num espaço tão curto de tempo.

Graficamente são poucas mudanças em relação ao jogo de PS3, é aquele tipo de remaster que não muda muita coisa, já a direção de arte é do crl como sempre e a OST épica do jeito que tem que ser.

Um final digno para a jornada de Kratos (até sair GOW 2018 kkkkkk.).

Solid Snake is just like me fr

as a certain guy once said

top 1 in fiction.... I'm done