38 Reviews liked by Vasco

Playing Castlevania SotN had me absolutely craving for another metroidvania because of how good it was. PoP: The Lost Crown had been sitting on my Switch for a while, but I didn't want to touch any switch games till my Nitro Deck + arrived. Good thing it did arrive just on time.

When the game was first revealed to be a 2D game, many fans of the franchise who mostly played the 3D games were disappointed after not getting a game for almost 10 years. But you either gotta have a really closed mind or absolute shit taste in games to have this sort of mindset about games because The Lost Crown is easily one of the best games in the PoP franchise.
The Lost Crown is clearly inspired by some of the best Metroidvanias of the modern times, and borrows many aspects of these games in order to make it's own amazing game with a unique PoP flavour.

PoP has always been known for being an "acrobatic" platformer, where it's not about precision platforming and double jumps, but more about wall running, flipping, spinning and climbing to solve platforming puzzles to get to a certain point or manoeuvre your way through traps. I think most people were worried about this aspect being gone or toned down for a 2D game, but The Lost Crown does in fact do acrobatic platforming better than ever.

With The Lost Crown being a metroidvania and having all of the elements you'd expect from this genre, in order to keep its platforming roots the game clearly borrows the platforming focused exploration of the Ori and the Blind Forest games. This is a genius way to have it be a metroidvania but also still keep its PoP identity with all the platforming puzzles. At the same time The Lost Crown also borrows aspects from Hollow Knight in terms of structure and combat where you find trees (aka Benches) where you respawn from if you die, and collect amulets (aka badges) to give you advantages in certain areas that suit your playstyle. It really does take some of best aspects of recent metroidvanias and meld it all together.

Speaking of borrowing aspects from other metroidvanias, the combat itself is so fun as is takes the very satisfying counter-centric gameplay that was present in Metroid Dread/Samus returns and combines it with a 2D version of a DMC inspired combo melee system, including air juggles, tricks and all. The combat stays fun from start to finish as you are regularly given new options as you progress through the game.
Because of the combat, bosses are some of the best bits of The Lost Crown as they are no cakewalk. You need to utilise new moves you have learnt to counter and dogde attacks and retaliate with your best combos.

PoP games always had a good story from the Sands of Time to even the 2008 reboot title, but for some reason the Lost Crown just didn't click with me too well story-wise. Maybe it's the fact that for a game based in Persia, the writing feels a bit too "western". And it's very typical as well as it doesn't take advantage of the unique Arab/Persian mysticism that the previous titles had. This iteration of the prince isn't my favourite either. Still better than the 2008 Nolan North Prince, but not by much.

Visuals and music are A grade. Some of the bossfights feel absolutely hype due to the insane dynamic music that plays during those fights. Some of locations are well designed visually, especially the castle sections as those do have that unique PoP Arabian feel to it. Other sections such as the forest or sewers were okay but felt like a standard forest and sewer locations you'd find in any other metroidvania.

Ultimately while I love 3D PoP, I can admit that this is also a very acceptable direction for the franchise as everything that makes what is PoP is here. Most of all I really just enjoyed platforming my way through the traps of this world, and getting better and faster at is as you unlock more abilities. Despite having a weak story, this is still easily one of the best PoP games, and an overall amazing must play game for fans of the Metroidvania genre.



I wish I was better at Sifu. This combat system rules. The story is generic, nothing you haven't seen before, but I like a lot of the stylistic elements in the presentation, especially the cell-shaded artstyle. But it all comes back to the combat anyway, and it's a good thing that it's so tightly designed.

Also, I really like that the protagonist's revenge quest literally takes years off their life the more they die. In service of a better story I'd probably never stop talking about it, but here it serves the point good enough too.

Lucky for me, this game is actually incredibly polished, genuinely a great game even underneath the original hook of the title! I was honestly partially worried the game wouldn't be all too good and would try to ride off it's gimmick but it doesn't. It's actually an amazing small little 2D adventure game I enjoyed quite alot!

Charming cast of characters and a fun world to explore, totally recommend it!

It's an affectionate and tonally perfect riff on the CD-i Zelda series, and the appeal of the game is shouldered on the humor and nostalgia of that premise. Otherwise, it's a short and fun action-platformer with nice narrative elements, quests and secrets to keep it interesting. It's confined by its concept a little, and the bosses are incredibly easy, but it's one of the easiest inways I've had with enjoying a platformer in a long time.

I love superhero games and Guardians of the galaxy is a great one. I love the gotg movies and I wasn't excited to play the game. I hadn't heard much about it and Marvels avengers sucked so I didn't have insanely high expectation but I ended up enjoying it way more than expected. The characters are amazing and I really like these versions of the guardians. The story is pretty good too. I liked the gameplay but it got very repetitive some times and it would've much much better if you could actually play as the other guardians (huge missed opportunity). Solid 8/10 fun game.

Reviewing every game i've fully completed #36

wow, rough reviews for this short and sweet puzzle game! i don't think anything in it is like pixel hunting -- the game gives you a map of what you're finding if you need it, and finding things is rewarding. it's really a cute game and i'm glad i bought it.

A grating, hyperactive narrative that indulges every obnoxious JRPG trope the first one managed to avoid. Soldier through it and you’re rewarded with a sublime combat system that improves on the first game’s, with enough variety to last you upwards of a thousand hours. I’m mixed on this one, but its strengths are undeniable.

i have a weirdly high amount of fond memories with this game, the presentation is incredible and badges are such a fun concept. i’d feel weird rating a literal gacha game 5 stars but it deserves more love. never forgive nintendo for firing the little rabbit

i dont really like this one. i got the game day one pretty much, and after playing it for well over 300 hours i can confirm that yeah this one really aint my thing. its very focused on making everything a very specific way but like, the point of animal crossing, to me at least, is living with what life gives you. im also not a fan of the island aesthetic, although that's mostly a personal thing. i also feel like a lot of the villager dialog repeats way too much, and characters like mabel and isabelle got kinda thrown under the bus with their personalities. especially with isabelle, she was this bumbling secretary that worked way too hard and it always showed, and there were a lot of really cute and charming moments they did with that. she feels a lot more generic in new horizons, and it's just not really as interesting. mabel serves literally zero purpose anymore, other than giving you the same three dialog blurbs whenever you talk to her, and that kinda sucks since she's one of my favorite recurring characters. overall, new horizons feels like a huge downgrade from new leaf

There is a 30% chance that this game is enjoyable, but that percentage can be increased to 90% if the conditions are just right.

This review will be on the HD remake of The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword, but it will also encompass my experience with the original Wii version I played over a decade ago. My feelings about the one cannot be present without my feelings about the other.

I’m pretty sure 2011’s The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword is the first game I ever preordered with my own money (I still have the golden Wii remote that was packaged with it). A high school friend of mine and I would talk at exhaustive lengths about what we thought was going to happen in the game based off of the teaser art that was revealed featuring a swordless Twilight Princess-y looking Link standing back to back with a Wind Waker-y Great Fairy looking girl. The 3DS remake of Ocarina of Time had official art of Skyward Sword’s Link hidden throughout the world, which only further amplified my already bristling anticipation. Besides the previously mentioned remake of an already perfect game, Zelda had put out a few duds. It was time for a return to form. It was time for something with no strings attached. It was time for the classic Zelda experience.

And then I got the game.

Let it be known that there were some things I liked about Skyward Sword. Fi’s design, everything about Zelda herself, and of course Groose, stand out the most. The music is great as always and I like Kina the Pumpkin girl.

But those controls, man. For a game putting into practice what the Wii Motion Plus controller was capable of, it sure is a shame it never fully did exactly what I wanted to. It felt more like I was playing some carnival attraction.

I do not like them, Sam I Am.

Skyward Sword was kind of the last straw for me for a little while. In my petulant teenage eyes, The Legend of Zelda was no longer the proud sibling series to Mario, it was now the stupid gimmick series where they find new ways to play a game to justify their underpowered toyetic consoles to the world.

This opinion would of course change, but I still felt that way for a good few years. And regardless of which Zelda games came out afterwards, Skyward Sword was always my least favorite.

And then even more years passed. The game that was made to commemorate The Legend of Zelda’s 25th anniversary was ten years old. And to commemorate that, Nintendo released a high definition remake of the game, with the ability for buttons only controls.

Buttons only controls! I had to write it again just to feel the pleasure of putting it into words once more.

I got Skyward Sword HD at basically half price, and more than ever that feels like a steal. Buttons only mode elevates this game far, far above the original. It feels like I’m playing a video game! Every clumsy and misaligned action that Link could do before is now streamlined and precise. And they even give you the option to go back to motion controls and remind yourself how dire the situation was.

No longer is Skyward Sword a good Zelda game that is held back by how you interact with the world, it’s just a Zelda game now. And Buttons Only Mode actually makes that initial idea of intense sword combat Nintendo’s been chasing since Zelda 2 interesting to play! Sure, a lot of the combat has that shooting gallery feeling from the original where the enemy runs up to you and waits to be killed, but later on you fight more aggressive enemies that punish a missed input. And now that you have an interface that doesn’t miss an input half the time, it becomes an enjoyable challenge!

The world map is still small but without the Wii Motion Plus mosquito buzzing in my ear, I was able to understand that its constant reuse of the main three areas was a means of adding depth and richness to each of them, rather than laziness. I’d still like a snow area though. Or a beach area. Or both.

Skyward Sword HD taught me how to love again, and I, at the very least, really like Skyward Sword.

The ending is still kind of dumb. Spoiler alert for a 10 year old game but it retroactively makes my man Ganondorf feel less special. That’s some dumb shit.

I’ve played and 100%-ed The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword twice, once on each version, and I only recommend the second version. Button Only Mode is truly a game changer. Now, hopefully you will be as lucky as me and get this game for 20 bucks, but in the event that you won’t or haven’t, I still think it’s worth the marked retail price. It’s a good game with an endearing story with loveable characters, and now, interesting controls.

Fi is less annoying in the remake too.

I can just imagine the developers of the game, who seriously thought, why not arm the knight with a simple shovel and put their soul and heart into the game... maybe it will work out, and they managed to not only make a good game, but a platformer close to ideal. The game offers very pleasant controls, measured difficulty, and many mechanics that come together in sequence towards the end of the game. I would also like to mention the wonderful soundtrack, which is very memorable and fits into the atmosphere of the game.

Так и представляю разработчиков игры, которые на полном серьезе подумали, почему бы не вооружить рыцаря простой лопатой и вложить свою душу и сердце в игру.. может что получится, и получилось не только сделать хорошую игру, а близкий к идеалу платформер. Игра предлагает очень приятное управление, размеренную сложность, множество механик, которые вместе последовательно комбинируются ближе к концу игры. Отдельно хочется отметить прекрасный саундтрек, который очень запоминается и вписывается в атмосферу игры.

Honestly a top 5 platformer. Aside the bosses kind of being whatever, the actual platforming is incredible. Squeezing all the juice out of the mechanics it has with a masterful soundtrack and cute story.

Absolutely incredible how Yacht club was able to make an homage that perfectly encapsulates what made the NES era so fun while still making the difficulty balanced and fair without the unfair NES difficulty. If you haven't played this game yet do it.

A flawless game that balances difficulty with a satisfying challenge so perfectly. Just as I was on the verge of frustration, I would overcome the challenge and feel the satisfaction of victory every time.