This is the best sequel you could ask for, it improves on pretty much every mechanic from the first game while also retaining the extremely good writing.
The atmosphere is arguably worse yeah but it's not a dealbreaker, this is still a phenomenal experience.

as free sample game it ain't too bad, they're some cool art and the concept is kinda neat.
That's all I can say tho, everything else is pretty barebones

Absolutely amazing experience, it's pretty rare for a game to keep me so hooked that I end up binging it in a couple of days.
Phenomenal worldbuilding, atmosphere, soundtrack, pixel art, I could go on and on, together with really fascinating characters whom you always wanna learn more and more.
It's very text-heavy and if you're not a native english speaker (like myself) you could have a hard time with it but if you're willing to get past that it's a must-play, especially on sale

It's genuinely really hard to not love Chrono Trigger, it's so fun, so impressive for its time, it oozes charm everywhere, it's just peak.
I don't personally consider it the "perfect JRPG" but it's still a masterpiece that really deserves all the praise it gets.

this game is so weird cause I keep forgetting about its existence, then I randomly remember it and I'm like "oh yeah that was peak" only to forget about it again the day after.
Like it's amazing don't get me wrong but I'm surprised by how little of an impact it left on me

This game is kinda just a worse metal gear 1, it does some unique stuff and there's some fun to be had but it's not very good overall.
However people who say that this is one of the worst games of all time really need to play more games, like c'mon it's not that bad

silly little layton game, being the first one in the series it's kinda rough around the edges but it's still pretty charming.
I could fix Don Paolo (or make him worse, depends on the mood)

Ser Daine, Franz, Lesfa and Fucker, you'll forever be iconic

This game is the equivalent of paying for a pizza and receiving only one slice that's been already chewed off

do not look at the artbook, worst mistake of my life

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rest in peace zack fair, you would have loved strangers of paradise