Metroid Games Ranked

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Metroid Dread
Metroid Dread
S+ Movement, S+ exploration, it is incredibly satisfying to speedrun, and the attention to detail is off the charts. I just wish it railroaded you less in the direction it wants you to go because they desperately don't want you to get lost. Also the EMMI are frustrating more than scary lol.
Metroid Prime 2: Echoes
Metroid Prime 2: Echoes
Best Metroid game period. Dreadful atmosphere that still gives me chills to this day, masterful soundtrack, and improves on the first Prime in just about every way. Its only flaw is that it's a game with a light world/dark world mechanic, and every time you change worlds with a portal you get flung into a loading screen, which gets annoying for certain puzzles. Other than that, perfect.
Super Metroid
Super Metroid
Still the best 2D Metroid. Incredibly smart map design that guides you in the right direction and trusts that you won't get lost so it doesn't just block paths for no reason. It just has some clunky movement here and there, but the game still feels designed around the idea that you don't need a lot of finesse.
Metroid Fusion
Metroid Fusion
An excellent turning of Metroid onto its head. Claustrophobic and confining, but that's the whole point, and it's freeing when you finally CAN be let loose on the station. I just feel like the SA-X isn't as scary as people make it out to be.
Metroid Prime
Metroid Prime
Fantastic game most of the time, starts to falter with how often it asks for backtracking trips and how dull every single boss other than Ridley is.
Metroid Prime Remastered
Metroid Prime Remastered
It plays near identical to the original Metroid Prime, barring more fluid aiming controls. Said aiming controls can make the game way easier since it was originally balanced around the old controls, but I digress. It's a really pretty and faithful re-creation of Prime, even if some vital effects like beam weapons lighting dark rooms or reflections are missing, sadly. The most important part is that is keeps Prime's style intact, so Remastered is likely to age just as well.
Metroid: Zero Mission
Metroid: Zero Mission
Excellent improvement and expansion on the original Metroid, ruined because you get like 4 major upgrades at the literal last minute so you need to make your way back to Zebes to 100% it.
Metroid II: Return of Samus
Metroid II: Return of Samus
While it still holds onto a lot of Metroid 1's clunkiness like clumsy movement and an inconsistent Space Jump, it makes up for it with a tense atmosphere and being sickeningly uneasy. Like I swear some parts of this game feel like a "my copy of this game is haunted" creepypasta except it's real.
Metroid Prime 3: Corruption
Metroid Prime 3: Corruption
Great in its own right, but not as good compared to the other Primes between gimmicky waggle stuff and a far less organically connected map. Motion control aiming is cool though, but Metroid Prime 1 and 2 have that now.
Metroid Prime Pinball
Metroid Prime Pinball
It's a pinball spinoff.
Metroid: Samus Returns
Metroid: Samus Returns
It's good on a technical and gameplay level, but it really fails as a remake of Metroid 2, undercutting all of its tension and dread by making the environments brightly colored and teeming with life. And I find it really tone deaf to have all these glory-kill cutscenes against the Metroids. Counter move is clunky and creates a lot of stopping to wait on an enemy to do its counterable move, at least until you get Screw Attack. Plus it ruins the ending.
Metroid Prime Hunters
Metroid Prime Hunters
The multiplayer was fun, but in an age after Nintendo Wi-fi's passing, we're left with an ankle-deep Metroidvania with not a ton in it going on. Like even the devs admitted it was supposed to be a multiplayer-only game before they tacked in a single-player campaign at the final hour and it shows.
You don't need me to tell you this hasn't aged well. Saved by its atmosphere.
Metroid Prime: Federation Force
Metroid Prime: Federation Force
Boring, doesn't feel designed with a single player experience in mind so certain parts chug slower just because you're by yourself. Wasted potential because you definitely could make a cool squad-based shooter staring the Galactic Federation. Like a Metroid version of Republic Commando. Alas.
Metroid: Other M
Metroid: Other M
Laughably written, with a story that feels like a far worse rewrite of Fusion that also really undercuts Fusion by making Adam an idiot moron that you'd be puzzled about how Samus could see anything in him and makes out the Federation to be idiot morons that you'd wonder how Samus could ever trust again. (But I guess that's fine since in this Samus is also an idiot moron.) Maps are just giant loops of hallways, and combat is pretty shallow. So many of its ideas are pointing at Super Metroid and going "look wasn't that thing cool, let's do it again." and doing so with a fraction of that tact. Like, I think it's telling that this game's most iconic fights are Ridley, Nightmare, Queen Metroid, and Phantoon, all bosses it lifted from other games.

Only part worth remembering is Anthony.


AM2R: Return of Samus
AM2R: Return of Samus
The Only Metroid Game I haven't played yet. I know it's a fangame but still.


Metroid Prime 4: Beyond
Metroid Prime 4: Beyond
It exists, allegedly.


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