Aa extremely flawed game. In many ways its unpolished, unbalanced, has systems that just straight up don't gel with each other, still has some of the most basic AI in the industry, and really wants you to somehow both be a packrat so that you can craft things and also to travel light.

It's also got that pure uncut Bethesda gameplay loop, a massive varied game world (well, universe) to search through the nooks and crannies of, writing that is as often genuinely fun as it is clunky, and just the right tinge of straight up weirdness that Bethesda games tend to have.

It's wild and weird and wonderful, and a complete mess, and so very moreish.

Fighting the console controls feels like far too much effort for the threadbare one-note characterisations, aged stereotypes and terrible 'jokes' that populate this game.

Great presentation, but aside from that it's a pretty generic puzzle platformer.

It's obviously been built on a budget, but it's a game that's been made with such loving care that you just can't help but admire what they achieved.

Swery does not make good games, but he does make fascinating games.

A fascinating mystery full of twists and turns, with some great attention paid to the details of its Ancient Roman setting.

Sneaky archer go thwwwwpt.

It's covered in bloom effects, the plot is pretty dire, and it has laughable 'battle' scenes in which a dozen soldiers run out against a handful of monsters. Everyone's face is a potato, the RPG mechanics are completely broken to the point where you can be a completely unbeatable level 1 character, the 'radiant' AI is laughable, and the main plot contrivance is a repetitive annoyance that distracts from the game. And yet I'd still spend 200 more hours in this wonderful goddamn mess.

Morrowind's systems have aged pretty badly, which is a shame, because of all the Elder Scrolls games it's the one with the most unique design, the best general mood, and the best writing.

Can we get Tetsuya Mizuguchi to redesign more classic puzzle games please? I'd really like to see what he can do with something like Klax or Zoop.

Goddamnit Sam, why does playing a video go directly to the searched word in that video and not the start? All that does it make it more awkward to watch everything. And it's already awkward enough to watch everything.

Still, it's got a solitaire minigame, so that's nice.

It's Taiko! That's it. No more, no less. This is precisely 1 (one) serving of Taiko No Tatsujin with few frills, and only a handful of bells and whistles. There are much more fully featured Taiko games out there, but as an addition to GamePass it absolutely does the job.

Lets face it, it's basically 'what if overcooked was really bloody awkward to control' at this point, isn't it?

Silly fun with great puzzles, but the combat is bloody awful.