After revisiting this game after writing this review, the game plays better than I remember, absolutely buttery smooth and I think I have come to the realization that nothing will ever top this kart racer.
This beats the piss out of MK8 any day of the week.
CTR’s drift boost mechanic should be the standard, not the MK’s drift boost and I’ll die on this hill.

Despite multiple attempts to “get” BotW, it still fails to grasp me. I prefer the well designed dungeons of OoT or Links Awakening to the scattered mini dungeons of this games. Even the actual dungeons in BotW aren’t nearly as satisfying as its predecessors. Scrounging for weapons doesn’t really inspire creativity in me like it does for others, and just becomes tedious.
Having to wonder if I’ve missed, forgotten to go back to, or wonder if I can finally complete any of the dungeon rooms doesn’t make me want to play the game. . World feels way too empty as well.
Just not for me, hopefully we see some return to the larger dungeons in future titles

The game that hooked me.
The game up until O&S is perfect and becomes a bit less memorable towards the end, but everything in the game feels great. Despite the world breathing its dying breath, the game still finds ways to bring whimsy to the setting and makes the whole world come to life.
Would smash my head against this brick wall again anytime.

My brain hurt
Brain is hurt
Brain is
I’m ok now

I wish I could wipe my memory of this specific game so I could play it again. The mystery that unfolds by walking through different moments in time is incredibly cool, and is an easy recommend for anyone who can get over the initial hump of the one-bit graphics.

I love how fallout plays in the new engine, too bad Bethesda doesn’t know how to write a story that’s not complete ass

Can’t stand the slow, clunky and muddy controls. Feels like everything take completely too much time for realisms sake. I’m gunning down hundreds of men, let me just quickly search each one after the battle.

Inverse of 3 houses. Not great story but pretty great gameplay

CTR is still the peak of arcade kart racing games, and it’s sad how it went from that to blatantly copying the gimmick of Double Dash. Overworld stuff is still kinda fun, and none of this stopped me from playing it a shitton as a kid.

I’ve never really stopped playing Minecraft in the damn near 15 years I’ve had it.
It’s exploration and the feelings it evokes always bring me back.

I got spurs that jingle jangle jingle
The gunplay aged like milk and it doesn’t look great, but it’s an amazing game that I come back to every few years

Doesn’t looks a candle to CTR, but I still spent countless hours playing this as a kid.