I love how fallout plays in the new engine, too bad Bethesda doesn’t know how to write a story that’s not complete ass

Game has a lot of potential, but the combat boiling down to hitting X/Y and dodge feels bad.
the cantrip/spells and alchemy stuff are cool


Doom is very good. Plying Doom feels good.
You will feel very good playing it.

Very few games that i play lead to moments where i think “Damn it’s 6 AM I gotta go to bed.”
This is one of them.

I wish I could wipe my memory of this specific game so I could play it again. The mystery that unfolds by walking through different moments in time is incredibly cool, and is an easy recommend for anyone who can get over the initial hump of the one-bit graphics.

Can’t stand the slow, clunky and muddy controls. Feels like everything take completely too much time for realisms sake. I’m gunning down hundreds of men, let me just quickly search each one after the battle.

Despite multiple attempts to “get” BotW, it still fails to grasp me. I prefer the well designed dungeons of OoT or Links Awakening to the scattered mini dungeons of this games. Even the actual dungeons in BotW aren’t nearly as satisfying as its predecessors. Scrounging for weapons doesn’t really inspire creativity in me like it does for others, and just becomes tedious.
Having to wonder if I’ve missed, forgotten to go back to, or wonder if I can finally complete any of the dungeon rooms doesn’t make me want to play the game. . World feels way too empty as well.
Just not for me, hopefully we see some return to the larger dungeons in future titles

Mario Kart 8 is like a 10 piece Chicken McNugget. When not playing it, I’d be down to booting it up and running a cup or two.
Immediately once I start playing it, I’m reminded the game is a bit bland and not nearly as good as I remember.
Minutes after shutting the game off, I go right back to thinking “I’d be down to run a cup or two”

eSports have ruined online competitive games.

I remember signing up for the alpha and beta tests and playing it, thinking that it would be so cool if the game took off.
Real ones know Supersonic Acrobatic Rocket-Powered Battle Cars


I applaud Square for making a game that I wholeheartedly dislike everything about.

Solid rogue like that just wasn’t able to hold my attention all that much.