Such an amazing game, the plot is top notch and deserving of a 4.5 stars, but good lord did the controls age like fine milk, they're incredibly imprecise and annoying, although I still LOVE the boss fights.
here's the start of my no-commentary walkthrough

this game deserves the 3.5 stars for being the only AC with actual moral ambiguity

As of writing this, this is the only Far Cry I've ever played, it aged poorly to say the least, also the plot is basically budget Resident Evil, the gameplay is kinda nice tho


I love Beijing Tiananmen
The sun shines over Tiananmen

People making incredible 4D chess moves in order to reach their goals and then dying in the most comically anticlimatic ways and chronic backstabbing disorder: the game

first part of my no commentary playthrough

Admittedly I was not a great fan of the gameplay and felt the heat actions weren't as diverse as the previous two games, still, story was phenomenal, not on par with 0 but definitely better than kiwami's

The base game somehow managed to have a plot that is both extremely simple and extremely convoluted (thank you Nomura) but still it was amazing and the combat system is legit one of the best I've ever seen in an ARPG, then the DLC come, they are extremely fillery, extremely grindy and the bosses, while some are nice, are the definition of artificial difficulty (especially in the final DLC) and I really did not enjoy them, thank Team Ninja for giving us the extra mode

One of Harvester Games' best, truly a masterpiece

This game is a straight up mystical experience concieved under the effect of copious amounts of hallucinogenic substances rolled and smoked in joints made out of pages from the Zohar, the Torah and the Bible

Silent Hill 2 space lesbians edition, featuring classical music, lovecraftian horrors and unadulterated depression

This is straight up Morbius video game edition

I honestly don't know what to think of this game, it's as if I really like it and really dislike it at the same time, the gameplay is a janky mess and incredibly in-depth at the same time, the plot is a generic mess with really cool ideas infodumped at the end but it's also kinda like a simple but effective classical tragedy.
In other words, this game is kino


I mean, what's to say here, it's a classic and peak gaming

I found the game to not be as fun and kinda more repetitive than the first one (although the final and only boss was pretty good), but it's still a really nice game