Uh. It's surprising how BioShock can be fun even in 2023, at least if you're a fan of old-school immersives and can catch all hommages/easter eggs on System Shock.
Nice pacing, all mechanics and arsenal are working. At least on hardest difficulty, either way with easier difficulties I imagine enemies would be not so bulletspoge enough to force you to use research camera on them.
And yeah, it's kinda funny how some plot-twists are spoiled for you, but in moment of their appearence there comes another plot-twists.

Erhm... It's kinda nice farm-manager, with original idea about handling graveyard and making it partly automatic. But in general there's it's handful of not so great design decisions - slow speed, bad alchemy, overlooked inventory managmnet. It have tons of content, especialy with DLC, but it hurts to play through all this content. If you want some quality time doing farming in pixel graphics - it's better to replay Stardew Valley, trust me.
Feels great if you need to kill your time, or maybe if you have some sort of ADHD-syndrom and wants to watch anime while playing some meditative slow-paced farm-manager.

Great puzzle detective, absolutely love music and sound-design at all, clever concept with this journal-map of all ship crew. And feelings are mixed - in the same time I want more content, to last it maybe for 10-15 hours, and on other hand it feels like it's more than enough to live through short ~6hr longs story. Lucas Pope is absolutely madman with this masterpiece.

Poorly aged game, it's just boring.

the best they made during Dark Pictures series

Welp. It's definitely "something". Something between typical ubisoft game, and something that been created with puting developer's soul in it. Not so bad storytelling, even more narrative design based on literal indication of storyline progession is original.
Poor progression mechanics on bike improvements, good combat balance, all-in-all it's something might be worth at least to try once.

Big "meh". I definetily was buyed because of art-style - like "Wow, Bloodborne-like on PC? Gimme two!". In geneal it's not so bad starting game for studio, and definetely it's not something special.
Interesting ideas about bosses, not so ideas regarding skill-tree and character abilities.
But all in all it's very-very repetative for souls-like game - sad to say that they make you to replay each levels for 3-4 times (and some level runs is literally backtracking just to grab some story-item) just to make this game longer. Closer to finals all I wished for is to just end this game as quick as possible.

Nice show-off on how to make sequel for your indie game. Much bigger in all perspectives - more story, more gameplay mechanics, more humor. I'd like to believe that some day I will play in third part of that game, that would be even more greater in comparison with this sequel.

It's pretty neat fan modification for Half-Life 2, even more than that - it gives me what I was wondering about - how would gameplay from Combine POV would look like? Defenitely something that you should try (it's free, so just invest your time).