Finished the first ending and on the egg hunt. This game is great. The first puzzle game in years where I want to do all the exploration and secret hunting myself without getting spoiled. Next to concernedape/lucas pope we’re looking at our next auteur solo dev as well as this game has a cerebral style of puzzle design but not too obtuse. The aesthetic is also unique and as beautiful as it is scary. Will probably up to 5 stars if I can actually beat it.

How is this game fun? I'm legit asking cause it is.

A hernia in a game. This and pocket card jockey are the only ways to play solitaire.

Not smart enough for the crosswords pass Wednesday but spelling bee, connections, the minis and wordle are all a good time. Brain power games

I’m not smart enough but still scraped by in the puzzles I tried

This game makes me want to get VR. I almost dodge rolled into my own wall.

peak edutainment. 0/10000 negative stars


Such a refreshing take on the skateboarding game. Equal to Tony hawk in fun with its own flavor

A good throwback with cool new levels and perfect execution.

Such a perfect combination of setting/aesthetic for an RPG. This is a vague memory but I recall starting this game with a buddy and being hooked from the pinstriped suit man shooting you in the face. I went to the bathroom and when i returned, he had killed the guy we were supposed to protect in town and some of the other NPC's causing the whole town to hate us. I left and then was gunned down hours later by the the new california republic or whatever it was called. I remember thinking of how insane the game was for even allowing that but loved it.

I'd rate this higher if only I actually owned it.

Super funny/charming and cool way to play easy mobile solitaire

couldn't get into it I think it just is slightly too dated for modern times. It still plays okay but it just felt a little lacking in the juice for me. I keep hearing how great half-life 2 is though so hopefully will make time for that in the future.

Pretty solid rogue like. Feels almost crunchier/grungier than something like gungeon which is my pillar for this genre. Cool characters and very arcadey fun though.

Definitely scratches the old school battlefield itch. War is hell.