I'd rate this higher if only I actually owned it.

couldn't get into it I think it just is slightly too dated for modern times. It still plays okay but it just felt a little lacking in the juice for me. I keep hearing how great half-life 2 is though so hopefully will make time for that in the future.

A good throwback with cool new levels and perfect execution.

This is just one of those games that I can't imagine not existing.

A must play. It feels like a manga come alive. The most stylish game I've ever played and it packs the same level of substance.

Honestly….it’s free and kind of a joke but kind of okay?

I never got past the water temple and probably won't try again but I remember playing this with my little sister in the basement and having a very fun time. I cherish the memory more than the game but it's a classic etc etc.

I didn't like it at first since the writing was a little opaque for me at times. Once you get into this though it's hard to stop. Worth it for the (British) Sea Power soundtrack and goofy/profound scenarios.

So far, this is is the most overwhelming shooter I’ve played since vermintide. Kind of a l4d2 style heist coop though sort of good

tough as nails but quite satisfying.

this is my least favorite genre so my taste is pretty meager but this is just a lot of clicking.

Fun GTA clone but never finished

What Tetris finally needed: a plotline.

I see why this game is praised. Really bizarre rogue like in terms of aesthetic. Gross, dark but with a sense of humor surprisingly. The comboz/synergies feel endless which is good as the gameplay is pretty simple.

The robots will kill us all