I associate this too much with stupid work functions but when used at school and, one time, a St. Patrick's day party, it had a great effect.

Ah yes I DO suck at online racing games thank you for reminding me.

Interesting card game rogue like. Unexpected with the poker theme. Very chill/addictive.

Haven’t even beaten this game yet and man, I can’t stop thinking about it. People can rightfully complain about Nintendo for their quirks as a company but this is the perfect genre/game for them to work with. Dandori translates to the rts genre and has no right being this addictive, challenging and cute at the same time.

Update: I've beaten the game and this endgame is insane. Once I have a day off it's all I'm going to do.

Interesting puzzle game concept. Not super challenging either which is both for and against it. The hook and aesthetic are so good that I’d definitely say worthwhile for any who’ve played the developers other games (limbo/inside)

Dunkey maybe led me astray on this one. Amazing soundtrack, beautiful pixel graphics and decent story but the puzzles were not very good and the gameplay wasn’t very exciting from what I recall. Maybe I’ll pick it up again.



Also fail all the chase sequences/fights it’s so funny

Fun game! Got hung up doing one of the bs music levels and gave up but all the normal levels were very zany

Woah they added this as a browser game?! The internet can still be fun

An improvement in mostly everyway, a true classic follow up to a classic game.

Really makes you feel like Spider-Man

it really makes you feel like you're delivering pizzas.

Finished the first ending and on the egg hunt. This game is great. The first puzzle game in years where I want to do all the exploration and secret hunting myself without getting spoiled. Next to concernedape/lucas pope we’re looking at our next auteur solo dev as well as this game has a cerebral style of puzzle design but not too obtuse. The aesthetic is also unique and as beautiful as it is scary. Will probably up to 5 stars if I can actually beat it.

How is this game fun? I'm legit asking cause it is.