juice me squeeze me YOU PIECE (teamwood please stop defaulting to nerfing huge swathes of pets i BEG) (also I can't count the number of hours I've played this on mobile but it is surely Many More)

deckbuilding perfection. every game that tries to be this just ends up feeling slightly off by virtue of this already existing

almost as good as slay the spire, which considering that spire is perfect, is quite the accomplishment


i am so bad at this game AND YET

for such a fun game i moved on from it remarkably quickly. lives and dies by how many friends you have

say what you will about the everything. this is the game that made me give a shit about online racing, which is something i've always wanted to do. i enjoy it for that

deeply addictive. still need to try mods. probably better than vampire survivors don't @ me

i think this must be what drugs feel like

this game will end up very similar to the crew 2 for me, in that it's a piece of casual fun i play a couple times a week when i need to turn my brain off and look at cool cars. and there's nothing wrong with that!

still damn near perfect 7 years on. i should replay the campaign

i do not understand the hype behind this game. if battlefield was still good (which 2042 now basically is) this would be faintly unremarkable. its success is a reflection of the sorry state of the AAA industry, rather than any exemplary qualities of the game itself

how is this game still alive. why have i spent so much money on it. questions of the universe right here

sometimes i feel like this game is way too complicated for its own good and i would need to have about 7 brains to fully comprehend the game state at any one time. fun but like. just play slay the spire

literally needs mods to be fun or even playable but once you figure that out. man. shit slaps. would not recommend trying to drive a rimac nevera down the hot version touge course. hennessey venom/family SUV multiclass AI races are much funnier