oh, no. 🥺


i got so caught up in what i was doing, i forgot all about it 😲

he's gonna kill me!!! 😖😓

comPLETELY carried by the combat system. swinging is honestly pretty mid and the city is a ROBLOX free-model lifted from Prototype 2.

this is the WORST peter parker voice i've ever heard in my FUCKING life

symbiote vulture is peak villain design though not gonna lie

baby's first metroidvania

literally. i was 9 when i first played this, and funnily enough it has aged well. most generic protagonist of all time.

cannot finish writing this review, currently working on my vows and proposal to White Glint

X gotta have the most ideal bodytype for any man living in the 21st century.

big wide shoulders, small waste, and BIG ASS FEET

the original was such an original and experimental idea from EA,

damn shame it got completely bastardized into a by-the-numbers open world collectathon with an at BEST aggressively mid story. no replay value, and you have to UNLOCK the ability to parkour roll.

c'mon son.

gamefreak developers punching the air after this one released

"none of this is good, vector. that's why it's called WAR."

this game is actually fucking horrible, but the concept is too fucking funny.

carried by Brad, realistic body goals.

everybody in team reptile finna' get a big wet kiss

in this game, Blade has a crush on captain marvel. he starts a book club to get her attention, and one way or another Steve Rogers gets the wrong idea, and takes too much of a liking to Blade.


this game almost made me develop a gambling habit in real life.

amazingly written and like one of the golden standards of modern rpg dialogue + sandbox imo.

A lot of bitter opinions due to the handling of the game's IP has muddied the waters as to how I feel this game should honestly be reviewed.

Overwatch transcended just being a singular game but a cultural phenomenon, truly. It took gaming culture by storm, and MOST people felt the need to queue up and play the game. Whether it be because of the polish, animation & sound fidelity, iconic character design, moment-to-moment gameplay, and a suite of characters that could satisfy most types of players; It had something for everyone.

Over time, it definitely waned, but in regards to the current ecosystem of videogames we live in, Overwatch is genuinely one of the greatest of all time. Not without flaws, but it spawned basically a microgenre of Hero-based objective games. It really sucks how horribly Blizzard handled the IP, and also how Overwatch 2 panned out. But the original Overwatch is where I've had some of the most fun in competitive PvP combat.. until the meta got stale, and Bridget & Anti-Rush ruined EVERYTHING.