it was very okay. exciting at the time, but after you finish and really sit on the plot-points, you quickly realize this game embodies "the path of least resistance".

the gameplay offers some slight improvements, but not really anything too big to warrant it standing out as much as the first one did, especially when you consider this game took 5 years.

5 years for a mid story with the same length, and not worthwhile balance changes? i dunno man.

Alan Wake 2 is genuinely a compelling experience, with super tight writing, and a plot that really snares you. The runtime is fair and not too long, but not too short, I believe the game is paced extremely well.

AW2 is an incredible story experience that I really couldn't ask for more from.. in the storytelling aspect. The gameplay however kinda has to be brought up, because funnily enough, I felt as thought the title character's gameplay left a bit to be desired? He felt very stiff, and his loadout especially compared to Saga's. The enemy design as well honestly hasn't changed much considering the 13-year gap in between this and the first game. I just feel like given that this game took a full tilt towards survival horror, that the sandbox didn't have enough enemy types that really asked the player to utilize different strategies. So the "survival" part becomes a little monotonous, because for Alan's campaign you find yourself having to do the same thing for every enemy encounter.

The game looks INCREDIBLE though, and the Writer's Room and Detective Board mechanics are incredibly genius ideas that allow you to comprehend the story and even character motivations extremely well. Definitely one of the best stories in modern gaming, and worth multiple playthroughs for those facets alone.

when i got laid off for my last job, i heard this playing softly in the background while my boss explaieds how much my work was appreciated, but it was time for me to move on

so clearly, it must be pretty addicting

look at bro on the cover.

dude smiling like he KNOW the game is about to fuck you UP

A lot of bitter opinions due to the handling of the game's IP has muddied the waters as to how I feel this game should honestly be reviewed.

Overwatch transcended just being a singular game but a cultural phenomenon, truly. It took gaming culture by storm, and MOST people felt the need to queue up and play the game. Whether it be because of the polish, animation & sound fidelity, iconic character design, moment-to-moment gameplay, and a suite of characters that could satisfy most types of players; It had something for everyone.

Over time, it definitely waned, but in regards to the current ecosystem of videogames we live in, Overwatch is genuinely one of the greatest of all time. Not without flaws, but it spawned basically a microgenre of Hero-based objective games. It really sucks how horribly Blizzard handled the IP, and also how Overwatch 2 panned out. But the original Overwatch is where I've had some of the most fun in competitive PvP combat.. until the meta got stale, and Bridget & Anti-Rush ruined EVERYTHING.

fighting game with amazing mechanics held back by the most generic character designs i've ever seen

cannot finish writing this review, currently working on my vows and proposal to White Glint

X gotta have the most ideal bodytype for any man living in the 21st century.

big wide shoulders, small waste, and BIG ASS FEET

everybody in team reptile finna' get a big wet kiss

better than i expected from Bandai Namco when it comes to the DBZ ip, that's for damn sure

in this game, Blade has a crush on captain marvel. he starts a book club to get her attention, and one way or another Steve Rogers gets the wrong idea, and takes too much of a liking to Blade.


the best dialogue in any game ever created.

thank you tameem. please never return

the most style i've EVER seen a game have;

it did the unthinkable: made me LIKE turn-based games

gamefreak developers punching the air after this one released