honestly, the circlejerk about the batmobile does this game a disservice. yes, that shit is annoying BUT this is the BEST realization of a superhero in videogames, still.

the story is definitely a little goofy, but this is a rocksteady masterpiece front-thru-back

the music gives this 3 stars alone, the extra 1.5 goes to the incredibly creative level design, and honestly good controls

this game almost made me develop a gambling habit in real life.

amazingly written and like one of the golden standards of modern rpg dialogue + sandbox imo.

the original was such an original and experimental idea from EA,

damn shame it got completely bastardized into a by-the-numbers open world collectathon with an at BEST aggressively mid story. no replay value, and you have to UNLOCK the ability to parkour roll.

c'mon son.

when i was a kid, i tried the demo for this on Xbox Arcade. I saw Splosion Man fart magma out of his ass, and launch forward as a double jump and laughed until i shit myself.

underrated and forgotten game, BUT the co-op was really fun.

baby's first metroidvania

literally. i was 9 when i first played this, and funnily enough it has aged well. most generic protagonist of all time.

this game is actually fucking horrible, but the concept is too fucking funny.

carried by Brad, realistic body goals.

essential co-op experience.

this game made me develop early onset dementia

better swinging & combat, mediocre everything else. phin is such a horribly written antagonist that it makes the climax of the game infuriating, it was really nice of them to make the game only 2 hours long.

insomniac miles is such a DWEEB

prowler v. miles in this game is freaking awesome though.

comPLETELY carried by the combat system. swinging is honestly pretty mid and the city is a ROBLOX free-model lifted from Prototype 2.

this is the WORST peter parker voice i've ever heard in my FUCKING life

symbiote vulture is peak villain design though not gonna lie

oh, no. 🥺


i got so caught up in what i was doing, i forgot all about it 😲

he's gonna kill me!!! 😖😓

the juiciest most delectable whip a cartoon character has ever drove.

literally just BfBB 2, what more could you ask for?

who put resource management into my murder game?

and why do i love it so much?

"none of this is good, vector. that's why it's called WAR."

dark jak is one of the greatest moments in all of black history.

2023 tropes gotta go, return to dark edgy protagonist transformations