The concept of the depths were very exciting to me but once I explored it and realised there is nothing there all of the charm and magic of the game disappeared. The building mechanics are cool and exciting at first too, thinking of all the stuff you could do with them until you realise the game never challenges you to think outside the box with anything. An empty canvas is boring and bland , back me into a corner and make me think and something interesting might happen. I hated the Divine Beast dungeons in BotW and the dungeons in this one are as bad/worse, an exercise in tedium.

I lost about 2 hours of gameplay bc I didn't save and it sprung a boss on me when I had like 25% fuel. Seems really great tho.

Probably wouldn't have enjoyed it as much if I hadn't made the flowers talk in Brazilian Portuguese, that's my pro tip. Lovely little game.

Game seems cool but it is jarring to be constantly be reminded it was made by horny nerds who have never met a woman whenever Morimura is on screen

This game kinda rules. I just got it because I loved Peach's outfits so much and it had high potential for camp. The sections always leave you wanting more which I think is a good thing for a game of this scale, I would absolutely pay money to do a full game of Pâtissière Peach though.

What grinding is everyone on about? You literally do a job and a fight or two and then you're back in to one of the main missions. I did a few of the targets in my first session and then after that I would do one target per play session, I think the game is a lot of fun to play like that. You come on, mow some grass, cut a few heads off and then into one of the target missions and then log off. It's perfect played this way and to be honest I really enjoy the mundane contrast to the extremely exciting target missions (which are constantly impressive in how varied and interesting they are to play), it's meant to make you feel like a chump to an extent bc that's what Travis is.

There's obvious issues with how women are presented at times, but that's my only issue with the game and I think the overall portrayal of Travis as an absolutely pathetic piece of shit loser makes me more willing to accept some of those choices.

I went in expecting to be like "oh ye this is fun for a bit" and then drop off but I came out loving it and I'm excited to play more Suda directed games.

There were a couple of times I got genuinely excited at clinging on and putting an extra hook in to save some stamina and then panned up and there was a safe spot right above me. It gets really close to having an incredibly fun and engaging climbing system, not to say it isn't fun, but the lack of any real peril holds it back slightly. I also wish they'd just not had any logs to read at all, the environmental storytelling is good enough that the text dumps get in the way of a coherent story without a single word.

That said lovely little game and the perfect length, more games should be able to be completed in one sitting.

I had bought this years ago because I could tell it was extremely my shit, I think I had performance issues or something but I only ever finished the very first chapter. With all the talk of Alan Wake 2 and me having watched the X-Files in the time since the release of this game I thought it was a perfect time to jump back in. I'm so glad I did, one of my favourite games in recent years easily. Perfect length, perfect atmosphere, perfect level of storytelling and lore.

This is the only game where I have ever found myself seeking out the little text logs every game seems to have in them for some reason. Usually an indulgent waste of time, but here they are an essential part of the experience. The tone toes the line perfectly between goofy and genuinely mysterious, one that sticks out to me is the notes from an interview with Jesse about the AWE she experienced. It's this fascinating and detailed insight into the event that started the events of the game in motion and then at the bottom has "Unconfirmed existence of paranatrual entity, designation: "Dog Neil". It's so fucking good man I love that shit.

One or 2 times the combat gets in the way of it just being a good sci fi story, but mostly it's extremely fun hoying literally everything at enemies. I put literally all my points in to the Launch function, the canon way to play the game imo.

I've downloaded the DLC to play tomorrow and also Alan Wake 1.

I'm never trusting a Final Fantasy fan to reccomend a game to me ever again

I play it a couple of times a month in ranked online. It has issues, you get people who play as a power character and just exploit the range of them, standing in the middle and charging and it's tedious when that happens and I'm not sure how they get any enjoyment out of it. But whenever people play the game properly it's up there with the most fun and competitive things I've ever played.

No notes, just play this game.

a couple of levels were so annoying that I straight up just turned the difficulty down to power through them. but this is mostly a good time

5 Star rating is solely for the mode where the AI generates a track for you at random and then you take turns with your friends racing through it. Whoever won the last race goes first, as they will have the most blind run and then every player after learns from watching until the final person goes and they already have an understanding of the course before they race. Genuinely one of my favourite multiplayer experiences ever.

One of the most delightful and enjoyable games I've ever played. I'm currently doing the post-game content which falls off a little bit for me due to lack of structured narrative. But the entire main story is impeccably paced and I enjoyed every second of it. I also made it a really fun challenge for myself by avoiding 99% of encounters in the wild and being severely underleveled for the entire game, I strongly suggest trying this way if you play it yourself :)