I always disliked this game when I was younger. But it's an odd bit of PS history now, and on PS5, so I figured why not -- I'll beat the fucker.

Man, it's tough. Thank goodness for the rewind feature on the PS5 emulator. It's also aged much worse than MGS and just about every other sacred cow on PS1.

With that said, I enjoyed what it tried to do. Which is while I'll be suffering through the sequel shortly.

I can't believe I finished this.

So, a couple of years ago a pal and I decided to start playing through naff RPGs we had vague memories of from our 'youth'.

Enchanted Arms was our first title. And it surprised us both - we loved it.

This is our second.

I hated it.

Worst pigeon graphics on PS3. Or were they seagulls? Fuck knows. Ghastly.

A shallow, broken template of a game.

Still thinking about how nuts this was

Nearly turned this off during the opening 10 minutes due to the daft visuals. Ended up loving it.

Jay only has one facial expression.

Gears of War? More like Tears of War.

The Hitcher was a good movie

The last COD campaign I finished was Black Ops 1 on PS3, which I quite liked. I borrowed this new one expecting the worst, but was surprised by a fairly well told story and lots of fun mission variety.

It's still stupid patriotic tripe, but I had a good time.

Guns out of 10.

I'd never played Skyrim for more than an hour before 2022. Turns out it's very fun after all.

I've not finished it exactly, but the main quest is done among many others. I'm taking a break for now, but i will return to cough more people off cliffs soon.

Replay. Lost count how many times I've finished this. It's Shenmue.

Like a Dragon: D'ishin' Up Dissapointment!


You hit ghoulies in corridors and then the credits roll. There's a water slide sequence though which adds a star.