5 More Reviews by Backloggd Dot Com User Detchibe That Go Hard: The Squeakuel

Back in September, I put a mostly sincere, but still somewhat jokey list on my then alt account, iPlayP0hrnGaems. Not for fame, nor for credit. But because I really liked the writings of one specific user. Almost three months later, I'm left thinking...


It's time for round two. Here are five more reviews by Backloggd.com user Detchibe (who can be found here: https://backloggd.com/u/Detchibe/) that make me go hooooooooooooo boy, GOOD SHIT.

Please don't like this trash. Like their stuff instead, it's 👌 y'dig y'dig


Aqi 155
Aqi 155
Excerpt: Every summer there are at minimum a few days where smoke fills the air. It can be downright cozy at times, when the skies remain clear and blue but you get that whiff of seared wood. It's as if someone is brewing a delicious cup of lapsang souchong (coincidentally my favourite tea).

plz read

Indescribably personal. This kind of writing strikes an invisible chord with me that's hard to reckon with. Although you might not learn a whole lot about the game itself, there's a layer of effective poignance here that's hard to ignore.

Is it funny when I call things good shit like I'm serving up a meal of some sort? Shit's not delicious. Not that I would know, but I can tell, alright? But anyway, this review is fantastic, and if you want another great review to go with it, I can't recommend the one I'm linking enough.


Excerpt: U KNO WUT I LUV ☻
P I Z Z A A A A A A A A A A A ☻

Really, though, read this for yourself., It's a treat.

One of the things I love about this one, in particular, is that it's a wonderful showcase of style and substance. It goes beyond the standard for most reviews, but it doesn't feel gimmicky in the slightest. You get a great amount of insight into the game itself, and the writer, without the structure getting in the way.

If you want more thought-provoking commentary, read up on this fellow Backloggdger (is that how you...?—fuck it, I don't care)


Morimiya Middle School Shooting
Morimiya Middle School Shooting
Excerpt: CW: Murder, gun violence, child death, sexual violence, cannibalism, suicide, gore, eroticism of gore, knife violence, glorification of tragedy and crime, misogyny.

If you have the stomach for it, this is really good.

Illuminating and disturbing, insightful and gut-wrenching. Outside of that framework, this is a fantastic piece of writing. I have very few words for this outside of that because it really is that good.

(I thought about linking to the 'I'm the Joker, Baby!' clip here to make fun of how hard this shit tries to be edgy, but, uhhhhhh... Christ. No. I'm not doing that.)


Sonic Frontiers
Sonic Frontiers
Excerpt: "People love games for their imperfections the same way they love people despite their flaws. Sonic Team has, for decades now, dared to do things that are new, bold, and weird."

Link to Review.

Concise, funny, and refreshingly honest. While not necessarily something that they came up with themselves, this review is a great demonstration of the rich thoughtfulness that Detchibe puts into their reviews.

If you liked that, consider reading this reviewer, too.



Vampire Survivors
Vampire Survivors
Excerpt: "Again, there is nothing intrinsically wrong with deriving pleasure from these games. You should, however, stop and ask yourself from time to time if you are getting any enjoyment from what you're doing."

The deets, aka this juicy steak of a review, in 4K

This is an interesting take on the Vampire Survivors discourse that we've been seeing a lot of recently. While that might make it seem like this is another one to throw onto the pile, this is not. It makes its point efficiently, and I quite like that.

Please check out this review if the one above piqued your curiosity.


1 year ago

I am once again humbled beyond words that anyone likes my writing, particularly my games stuff, enough to think it's worthy of individual praise, let alone cumulative adoration.

One small note, there's no l in my username 😝

1 year ago

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1 year ago

Holy shit, you're right. I've been tripping this entire time

1 year ago

Aaaaand fixed

1 year ago

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2 months ago

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