A bit too long.
Middle section drags in comparison to the great start/ending.
Well written characters and the overall journey is enjoyable, although it lacks a bit in scale, compared to the older games.

Runs get a bit too long.
Crack in videogame form.

Starts great and drops dramatically in quality in the second half. Ending was pretty unsatisfying and battle design stays the same for the entirity of the game, every fight feels the same. OST and visuals are great.

Cool setting and OST.
Game is a bit too long and forces grinding in certain places. Characters are ok but don't get much development.
While to battle system is fun to play around with, the encounter design doesn't have much variety besides fighting mechon and spiked enemies, which makes it get stale a bit before the game ends.

One of my favorite VNs ever. Great premise and execution for the first 4 episodes. Pacing is all over the place but the high points are very high. Art sucks but becomes endearing over time. Great OST.

Great visuals and the story is also decent. Manages to make every character interesting.

Very unique and just the right length.

Very polished and visually appealing. A bit too long. Ending could have been better and feels a bit disconnected form the rest of the game.

Emulates the feeling of being spider-man very well, a tad too long for its own good.

Very empty world, doesn't quite have the charm of previous pokemon entries, and feels more like an experience for future games. Graphics are also unacceptably poor. Gameplay loop is ok, but too much repetition.

Didn't feel the gameplay loop. The world is big but feels very empty, and the rewards for exploring are mitigated by the weapon durability system.The Plot is also very sparse making the puzzle-solving the only incentive to move forward with the game.


Best roguelike experience and probably 2020's goty.

Good ending to the sky saga, very different structure from the first two games. Works very well as an epilogue as well as a foreshadowing vehicle to the rest of the series.

Good follow-up but had many pacing problems. Takes quite a while to get started.